
Tradução de Texto para a Agência Espacial Brasileira

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NASA Renames Building For Ohio Born Astronaut Neil Armstrong

July 21, 2014


NASA has honored one of its most famous astronauts by renaming a key building at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.


It now bears the name of Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon when the Apollo 11 mission landed there 45 years ago.


Armstrong, who died in 2012, was remembered at a ceremony Monday as not only an astronaut, but also as an aerospace engineer, a test pilot and university professor. Michael Collins, who flew with him on Apollo 11, said he had a powerful combination of curiosity and intelligence, along with an intuitive grasp of flight machinery and its complexity.


Buzz Aldrin, another Apollo 11 crew member, and backup mission commander Jim Lovell also spoke at the ceremony, as did Armstrong’s sons Rick and Mark.


Neil Armstrong was born in Wapakoneta, Ohio in 1930.



NASA Renames Building For Ohio Born Astronaut Neil Armstrong

NASA Renomeia Prédio Para Neil Armstrong Astronauta Nascido em Ohio

July 21, 2014


NASA has honored one of its most famous astronauts by renaming a key building at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.


NASA homenageou um de seus astronautas mais famosos renomeando um edifício histórico no Centro Espacial Kennedy, na Flórida.


It now bears the name of Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon when the Apollo 11 mission landed there 45 years ago.


Ele agora tem o nome de Neil Armstrong, o primeiro homem a pisar na Lua, quando a missão Apollo 11 pousou lá há 45 anos.


Armstrong, who died in 2012, was remembered at a ceremony Monday as not only an astronaut, but also as an aerospace engineer, a test pilot and university professor. Michael Collins, who flew with him on Apollo 11, said he had a powerful combination of curiosity and intelligence, along with an intuitive grasp of flight machinery and its complexity.


Armstrong, que morreu em 2012, foi lembrado em uma cerimônia segunda-feira, não apenas como um astronauta, mas também como um engenheiro aeroespacial, piloto de testes e professor universitário. Michael Collins, que voou com ele na Apollo 11, disse que ele tinha uma poderosa combinação de curiosidade e inteligência, juntamente com uma compreensão intuitiva sobre maquinaria de voo e a complexidade dela.


Buzz Aldrin, another Apollo 11 crew member, and backup mission commander Jim Lovell also spoke at the ceremony, as did Armstrong’s sons Rick and Mark.


Neil Armstrong was born in Wapakoneta, Ohio in 1930.


Buzz Aldrin, um outro membro da tripulação da Apollo 11, e o comandante da missão da Apollo 13, Jim Lovell, também falaram durante a cerimônia, assim como o fizeram os filhos de Armstrong, Rick e Mark.

Neil Armstrong nasceu em Wapakoneta, Ohio em 1930.

Abraços e bons estudos,

Ena Smith

[email protected]

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