
Inglês – Tradução Livre 74/2013

Stadium Delays Cause FIFA to Sell Less World Cup Tickets

Delays in completing World Cup 2014 stadiums will cause tickets for these arenas to have sales deferred to the beginning of the second phase of sales.

On Sunday, 9am (Brasília time), another stage will open with tickets for the 64 matches of the event.

“We need all the seats to be properly placed to know the exact capacity of the stadium and prevent anyone from buying a ticket that does not exist. For these stadiums that are delayed, we will not provide all the tickets that we could in that phase, there will be a contingency that will free up tickets only in later stages”, said Thierry Weil, the Marketing Director of FIFA.

FIFA did not disclose the number of tickets that will be made available to fans from December 8 to January 30, 2014. It’s estimated that there are around 1.1 million, the same number allocated to the fans in the first phase.

In this new stage, fans request tickets through the FIFA website and wait for a drawing in the event that the game they want has a greater demand than the tickets available.

It is for this reason that there is a contingency of tickets in some stadiums – especially in São Paulo where demand is huge – decreasing the chances for fans as there will be less tickets to be distributed via a lottery.

On Wednesday, the Minister of Sport, Aldo Rebelo, said that the six stadiums that still need to get ready will only be delivered in January 2014, after FIFA’s original December 2013 deadline.

Curitiba and Cuiabá are of concern to the organization. There is also the problem of Itaquerão in São Paulo due to an accident that killed two workers.

Porto Alegre, Manaus and Natal had postponed deliveries at the request of the federal government because of President Dilma Rousseff’s schedule, who could not be present for three openings later on this year.

FIFA also announced on Wednesday that the exchange of tickets begins on April 18th in the 12 host cities holding matches. There will be two distribution centers in São Paulo and Rio.

The novelty is that there will be exchanges in the 12 airports of the host cities, but only for passengers at first.


Tradução Livre
Stadium Delays Cause FIFA to Sell Less World Cup Tickets
Estádios atrasados causam à FIFA vender menos ingressos para a Copa do Mundo

Delays in completing World Cup 2014 stadiums will cause tickets for these arenas to have sales deferred to the beginning of the second phase of sales.
Atrasos na conclusão de estádios da Copa Mundo 2014 causará para essas arenas terem vendas atrasadas para o início da segunda fase de vendas.

On Sunday, 9am (Brasília time), another stage will open with tickets for the 64 matches of the event.
No domingo, 9 horas da manhã, outro estágio abrirá com ingressos para 64 jogos do evento.

“We need all the seats to be properly placed to know the exact capacity of the stadium and prevent anyone from buying a ticket that does not exist. For these stadiums that are delayed, we will not provide all the tickets that we could in that phase, there will be a contingency that will free up tickets only in later stages”, said Thierry Weil, the Marketing Director of FIFA.
“Nós necessitamos que todos os assentos estejam apropriadamente colocados para conhecer a capacidade exata do estádio e prevenir que alguém compre um ingresso que não existe. Para esss estádios que estão atrasados, nós não proveremos os ingressos que nós poderíamos nesta fase, haverá uma contingência que liberará os ingressos somente nos estágios finais”, disse Thierry Weil, diretor de “marketing” da FIFA.

FIFA did not disclose the number of tickets that will be made available to fans from December 8 to January 30, 2014. It’s estimated that there are around 1.1 million, the same number allocated to the fans in the first phase.
A FIFA não revelou o número de ingressos que serão tornados disponíveis para fãs de 8 de dezembro até 30 de janeiro de 2014. É estimado que haverão cerca de 1,1 milhão, o mesmo número alocado para os fãs na primeira fase.

In this new stage, fans request tickets through the FIFA website and wait for a drawing in the event that the game they want has a greater demand than the tickets available.
Neste novo estágio, os fãs requisitam os ingressos por meio do “website” e esperam um sorteio no evento daquele jogo que eles querem que tem mais demanda do que os ingressos disponíveis.
(a tradução fica meio estranha, mas é o seguinte: o torcedor faz o pedido e quando o jogo que eles querem tem mais procura do que os ingressos disponíveis haverá um sorteio. Quem for sorteado tem o direito de comprar o ingresso)

It is for this reason that there is a contingency of tickets in some stadiums – especially in São Paulo where demand is huge – decreasing the chances for fans as there will be less tickets to be distributed via a lottery.
A razão para isso é que há uma contingência de ingressos em alguns estádios – especialmente em São Paulo onde a demanda é grade – diminuindo as chances dos fãs enquanto haverão menos ingressos para serem distribuídos via loteria.

On Wednesday, the Minister of Sport, Aldo Rebelo, said that the six stadiums that still need to get ready will only be delivered in January 2014, after FIFA’s original December 2013 deadline.
Na quarta-feira, o Ministro do Esporte, Aldo Rebelo, disse que os seis estádios que ainda necessitam ficar prontos somente serão entregues em janeiro de 2014, após dezembro de 2013 o prazo original da FIFA.

Curitiba and Cuiabá are of concern to the organization. There is also the problem of Itaquerão in São Paulo due to an accident that killed two workers.
Curitiba e Cuiabá são preocupação para a organização. Há também o problema do Itaquerão em São Paulo devido a um acidente que matou dois trabalhadores.

Porto Alegre, Manaus and Natal had postponed deliveries at the request of the federal government because of President Dilma Rousseff’s schedule, who could not be present for three openings later on this year.
Porto Alegre, Manus e Natal tiveram prorrogadas as entregas pelo pedido do governo federal por causa da agenda da Presidenta Dilma Rousseff , que não poderia estar presente para as três inaugurações no final deste ano.

FIFA also announced on Wednesday that the exchange of tickets begins on April 18th in the 12 host cities holding matches. There will be two distribution centers in São Paulo and Rio.
FIFA também anunciou na quarta-feira que a troca dos ingressos coemça em 18 de abril em 12 cidades-sede

The novelty is that there will be exchanges in the 12 airports of the host cities, but only for passengers at first.
A novidade é que haverá trocas nos 12 aeroportos das cidades-sedes, mas somente para os passageiros em primeiro lugar.

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