
Inglês – Tradução Livre 72/2013

Half of Brazilians Are Still Off-Line

The Brazilian federal government’s PNBL (National Broadband Program) calls for half of Brazil’s cities to have internet connections of 1 Mbps offered at US$ 15 by the end of 2014.

“We know that isn’t enough for today’s standards: the investments with the highest social-economic potential, such as attending classes, are linked to higher speed,” says Pedro Lucas da Cruz Araújo, the broadband manager of the Ministry of Communication.

The ITU (International Telecommunication Union) says that connections over 1.5 Mbps are broadband.

But speed isn’t the biggest problem.

IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) data of 2012 show that 86 million Brazilians over the age of 10 live without Google, Facebook or Wikipedia – 49.1% of the 169 million Brazilians in that age group.

They are poor people, “digital illiterates” or those who live in remote areas. “Digital exclusion follows the same logic as social exclusion,” says the Ministry of Communication’s social inclusion secretary, Lygia Pupatto. “We have a greater deficit in the C, D and E social classes, and the North and Northeast regions have the highest need.”

Growth has been faster in those groups, says Adriana Beringuy, a researcher at the IBGE. “People over 60 also have had greater access to the internet.”

In 2011, 46.7% of Brazilians were on-line, which means that more than half of the country can be connected. The ITU says 95% of Norwegians, 81% of Americans, 56% of Argentineans and 42% of the Chinese are online.

Of the 5,564 cities existing when the PNBL was created (there are six more today) in 2011, 3,214 were connected.


Tradução Livre
Half of Brazilians Are Still Off-Line
Metade dos brasileiros estão ainda “off-line”

The Brazilian federal government’s PNBL (National Broadband Program) calls for half of Brazil’s cities to have internet connections of 1 Mbps offered at US$ 15 by the end of 2014.
O PNBL (Programa Nacional de Banda Larga) do governo federal brasileiro exigi que metade das cidades do Brasil tenham conexões de internet de 1 Mbps a 15 dólares até o final de 2014.

“We know that isn’t enough for today’s standards: the investments with the highest social-economic potential, such as attending classes, are linked to higher speed,” says Pedro Lucas da Cruz Araújo, the broadband manager of the Ministry of Communication.
“Nós sabemos que não é suficiente para os padrões de hoje: os investimentos de maior potencial socio-econômico, tais como participar de aulas, estão ligados a maior velocidade”, diz Pedro Lucas da Cruz Araújo, o gerente de banda larga do Ministério das Comunicações.

The ITU (International Telecommunication Union) says that connections over 1.5 Mbps are broadband.
O ITU (União Internacional de Telecomunicações) diz que as conexões acima de 1,5 Mbps são banda larga.

But speed isn’t the biggest problem.
Mas velocidade não é o maior problema.

IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) data of 2012 show that 86 million Brazilians over the age of 10 live without Google, Facebook or Wikipedia – 49.1% of the 169 million Brazilians in that age group.
Dados do IBGE de 2012 mostram que 86 milhões de brasileiros acima dos 10 anos de diade vivem sem Google, Facebook ou Wikipedia – 49,1% dos 169 milhões de brasileiros neste grupo de idade.

They are poor people, “digital illiterates” or those who live in remote areas. “Digital exclusion follows the same logic as social exclusion,” says the Ministry of Communication’s social inclusion secretary, Lygia Pupatto. “We have a greater deficit in the C, D and E social classes, and the North and Northeast regions have the highest need.”
Eles são pessoas pobres, “analfabetos digitais” ou aqueles que vivem em áreas remotas. “A exclusão digital segue a mesma lógica da exclusão social”, diz a secretária de inclusão social do Ministério das Comunicações, Lygia Pupatto. “Nós temos um grande déficit nas classes C, D e E, e as regiões Norte e Nordeste têm a mais alta necessidade”.

Growth has been faster in those groups, says Adriana Beringuy, a researcher at the IBGE. “People over 60 also have had greater access to the internet.”
O grescimento tem sido mais rápido nestes grupos, diz Adriana Beringuy, uma pesquisadora do IBGE. “As pessoas acima de 60 anos de idade tem tido maior acesso à internet”.

In 2011, 46.7% of Brazilians were on-line, which means that more than half of the country can be connected. The ITU says 95% of Norwegians, 81% of Americans, 56% of Argentineans and 42% of the Chinese are online.
Em 2011, 46,7% dos brasileiros estavam “on-line”, o que significa que mais da metade do pais pode ser conectada. A ITU diz que 95% dos noruegueses, 81% dos americanos, 56% dos argentinos e 42% dos chineses estão “online”.

Of the 5,564 cities existing when the PNBL was created (there are six more today) in 2011, 3,214 were connected.
Das 5.564 cidades existentes quando o PNBL foi criado (há mais seis hoje) em 2011, 3.214 estavam conectadas.

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