
Inglês – Tradução Livre 70/2013


Sentenced in Corruption Scandal, Brazilian Flees to Italy

Sentenced to 12 years and 7 months in prison by Brazil’s Supreme Court for his participation in the mensalão scheme, the former director of Banco do Brasil, Henrique Pizzolato, fled from Brazil to Italy and announced yesterday that he will request a new trial by an Italian court.

A Federal Police team was at this house yesterday searching for him, but his family said they don’t know his whereabouts. Yesterday Pizzolato’s relatives announced to the press that he has been in Italy for 45 days.

Pizzolato’s lawyer in the mensalão trial, Marthius Lobato, said he only was told yesterday that Pizzolato was in Italy and that he didn’t know how Pizzolato left the country. Pizzolato has Italian citizenship and had his European passport confiscated by Brazilian courts last year.

Lobato said his participation in the case is over and disclosed a letter by Pizzolato, in which he complains of the way the Supreme Court conducted the trial and said he will request another.

“As I don’t see a chance for a non-politically, non-election motivated trial, in a clear state of exception, I have willingly decided to exercise my lawful right to freedom in order to obtain a new trial in Italy in a court that doesn’t submit to impositions of corporate media, in compliance with the extradition treaty of Brazil and Italy.”

Pizzolato was sentenced after he authorized US$ 31.8 million (R$ 73.8 million) to be transferred from Banco do Brasil in the mensalão scheme, which distributed millions of reais to politicians for their support of former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in congress between 2003 and 2005.

In his defense, Pizzolato said that the Banco do Brasil funds were used to pay advertising campaigns, and not embezzled in the scheme. But he received US$ 145,000 (R$ 336,000) for his involvement in an envelope he said he gave to the PT without opening.

As Pizzolato has double citizenship, it will be difficult for Brazilian authorities to bring him back. The Ministry of Justice can request that he be extradited from Italy, but it is unlikely that the Italians will agree because he is also an Italian citizen.



Tradução Livre
Sentenced in Corruption Scandal, Brazilian Flees to Italy
Sentenciado em escândalo de corrupção, brasileiro foge para a Itália

Sentenced to 12 years and 7 months in prison by Brazil’s Supreme Court for his participation in the mensalão scheme, the former director of Banco do Brasil, Henrique Pizzolato, fled from Brazil to Italy and announced yesterday that he will request a new trial by an Italian court.
Sentenciado a 12 anos e 7 meses de prisão pela Corte Suprema do Brasil por sua participação no esquema mensalão, o antigo diretor do Banco do Brasil, Henrique Pizzolato, fugiu do Brasil para a Itália e anunciou ontem que ele pedirá um novo julgamento por uma corte italiana.

A Federal Police team was at this house yesterday searching for him, but his family said they don’t know his whereabouts. Yesterday Pizzolato’s relatives announced to the press that he has been in Italy for 45 days.
Uma equipe da Polícia Federal esteve em sua casa ontem procurando por ele, mas sua família disse que eles não sabiam do seu paradeiro. Ontem familiares de Pizzolato anunciaram para a imprensa que ele tem estado na Itália a 45 dias.

Pizzolato’s lawyer in the mensalão trial, Marthius Lobato, said he only was told yesterday that Pizzolato was in Italy and that he didn’t know how Pizzolato left the country. Pizzolato has Italian citizenship and had his European passport confiscated by Brazilian courts last year.
O advogado de Pizzolato no julgamento do mensalão, Marthius Lobato, disse que somente ontem foi dito a ele que Pizzolato estava na Itália e que ele não sabia como Pizzolato deixou o país. Pizzolato tem cidadania italiana e teve seu passaporte europeu confiscado pelos tribunais brasileiros no ano passado.

Lobato said his participation in the case is over and disclosed a letter by Pizzolato, in which he complains of the way the Supreme Court conducted the trial and said he will request another.
Lobato disse que sua participação no caso acabou e revelou uma carta de Pizzolato, na qual ele queixa-se do modo que a Suprema Corte conduziu o julgamento e disse que ele pedirá outro.

“As I don’t see a chance for a non-politically, non-election motivated trial, in a clear state of exception, I have willingly decided to exercise my lawful right to freedom in order to obtain a new trial in Italy in a court that doesn’t submit to impositions of corporate media, in compliance with the extradition treaty of Brazil and Italy.”
“Eu não vejo uma chance para um julgamento não político, não motivado eleitoralmente, em um claro estado de exceção, eu voluntariamente decidi exercer meu legítimo direito de liberdade a fim de obter um novo julgamento na Itália em uma corte que não se submeta a imposições da mídia corporativa, em conformidade com tratado de extradição do Brasil e Itália”.

Pizzolato was sentenced after he authorized US$ 31.8 million (R$ 73.8 million) to be transferred from Banco do Brasil in the mensalão scheme, which distributed millions of reais to politicians for their support of former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in congress between 2003 and 2005.
Pizzolato foi sentenciado depois que ele autorizou que 73,8 milhões de reais fossem transferidos do Banco do Brasil no esquema mensalão, o qual distribuiu milhões de reais para políticos dessem seu apoio para o antigo presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva no congresso entre 2003 e 2005.

In his defense, Pizzolato said that the Banco do Brasil funds were used to pay advertising campaigns, and not embezzled in the scheme. But he received US$ 145,000 (R$ 336,000) for his involvement in an envelope he said he gave to the PT without opening.
Em sua defesa, Pizzolato disse que os fundos do Banco do Brasil foram usados para pagar campanhas de publicidade, e não extraviados no esquema. Mas ele recebeu 336 mil reais por seu envolvimento em um envelope que ele disse que ele tinha dado para o PT sem abrir.

As Pizzolato has double citizenship, it will be difficult for Brazilian authorities to bring him back. The Ministry of Justice can request that he be extradited from Italy, but it is unlikely that the Italians will agree because he is also an Italian citizen.
Como Pizzolato tem dupla cidadania, será difícil para as autoridades brasileiras trazê-lo de volta. O Ministro da Justiça pode pedir que ele seja extraditado da Itália, mas é improvável que os italianos concordem porque ele é também um cidadão italiano.

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