
Inglês – Tradução Livre 56/2013


Wages Rise Much More than Productivity in Brazil

Although economic growth is stagnant, workers’ wages, especially among those with lower income and qualification, are growing quickly in Brazil.

Data of Pnad 2012 (National Household Sample Survey) show that per capita income grew 8% last year. Workers’ income – wages – led the rise. They were responsible for 74% of the increase.

It is occurring in the low G.D.P. year, in which the economy has grown 0.9%.

That means that the rise of Brazilian wages doesn’t correspond to an increase in productivity – companies are using their profit margin to pay higher salaries.

The National Confederation of Industry (CNI) says that, in factories, for example, real wages rose 169% between 2001 and 2012 — productivity, however, only 1%. Flávio Castelo Branco, the executive manger of CNI, says that means losses and an increase in costs.


Tradulção Livre

Wages Rise Much More than Productivity in Brazil

Salários aumentam muito mais do que a produtividade no Brasil

Although economic growth is stagnant, workers’ wages, especially among those with lower income and qualification, are growing quickly in Brazil.
Embora o crescimento econômico esteja estagnado, os salários dos trabalhadores, especialmente entre aqueles com menor renda e qualificação, estão aumentando rapidamente no Brasil.

Data of Pnad 2012 (National Household Sample Survey) show that per capita income grew 8% last year. Workers’ income – wages – led the rise. They were responsible for 74% of the increase.
Dados do Pnad 2012 (Pesquisa Nacional por Amostras de Domicílios) mostram que a renda per capita cresceu 8% no último ano. A renda dos trabalhadores – salários – liderou o aumento. Eles foram responsáveis por 74% do aumento.

It is occurring in the low G.D.P. year, in which the economy has grown 0.9%.
Isso está ocorrendo  no baixo PIB do ano, no qual a economia tem crescido 0,9%.

That means that the rise of Brazilian wages doesn’t correspond to an increase in productivity – companies are using their profit margin to pay higher salaries.
Isso significa que o aumento dos salários brasileiros não corresponde a um aumento na produtividade – as companhias estão usando sua margem de lucro para pagar salários mais altos.

The National Confederation of Industry (CNI) says that, in factories, for example, real wages rose 169% between 2001 and 2012 — productivity, however, only 1%. Flávio Castelo Branco, the executive manger of CNI, says that means losses and an increase in costs.
A Confederação Nacional da Indústria (CNI) diz que, nas fábricas, por exemplo, o salário real aumentou 169% entre 2001 e 2012 – a produtividade, contudo, somente 1%. Flávio Castelo Branco, executivo da CNI, diz que isso significa perdas e aumentos nos custos.

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