
Inglês – Tradução Livre 54/2013


iPad App
Tells Story of Francis, the ‘Pope from the End of the World’

More than 100 days after the inauguration of  theself-styled ‘Pope from the end of the world,’ an app for iPad has been released telling the story of Pope Francis, from his childhood in Buenos Aires to his arrival at the very top of the Catholic Church.

Launched by Folha in partnership with the Argentine newspaper “Clarín”, the app brings together previously unseen images alongside testimonies and stories recounted by people close to Jorge Bergoglio, covering even the period of dictatorship in Argentina from 1976-1983.

To download the app, which costs US$2.99, go to the App Store – Apple’s online shop – search for ‘papa Francisco’, and begin the installation of ‘O papa do fim do mundo.’ An icon for the application will appear on your iPad desktop.

In the app the journalist Sergio Rubín discusses the election of the Argentine as pontiff. Rubín is the author of the only authorized biography of the first Latin American Pope. There is also an interview with Leonardo Boff, a Brazilian exponent of Liberation Theology, who argues that Pope Francis will provoke a debate in the Roman Curia regarding subjects that have, until now, been considered taboo. The Swiss theologian Hans Küng, a critic of Benedict XVI, also analyses the election of Pope Francis and talks of his expectations for his papacy.

The challenges that Pope Francis may face, as well as the secrets revealed in the Vatileaks scandal are also addressed by reports available in the app.

Furthermore, there is a timeline of all the popes, with an analysis of why Bergoglio opted for the name of Francis. Video and audio material with homilies and phrases of the new Pope explore the implications of this choice for the Catholic Church.

“Clarín”, Argentina’s best selling newspaper, has also released a Spanish-language version of the app.





Tradução Livre

iPad App
Tells Story of Francis, the ‘Pope from the End of the World’ 

App IPad conta a história de Francisco, o “Para do fim do mundo”.


More than 100 days after the inauguration of the self-styled ‘Pope from the end of the world,’ an app for iPad has been released telling the story of Pope Francis, from his childhood in Buenos Aires to his arrival at the very top of the Catholic Church.

Mais de 100 dias depois da inauguração do estilo o “Papa do fim do mundo”, um app para iPad tem sido distribuído (foi distribuído) contando a história do Papa Francisco, de sua infância em Bueno Aires até sua chegada ao topo da Igreja Católica.


Launched by Folha in partnership with the Argentine newspaper “Clarín”, the app brings together previously unseen images alongside testimonies and stories recounted by people close to Jorge Bergoglio, covering even the period of dictatorship in Argentina from 1976-1983.

Lançado pela Folha em parceria com o jornal argentino “Clarín”, o app traz junto imagens
não vistas ao longo dos testemunhos e histórias contadas por pessoas próximas a
Jorge Bergoglio, cobrindo o período da ditadura na Argentina de 1976 a 1983.


To download the app, which costs US$2.99, go to the App Store – Apple’s online shop – search for ‘papa Francisco’, and begin the installation of ‘O papa do fim do mundo.’ An icon for the application will appear on your iPad desktop.

Para baixar o app, o qual custa 2,99 dólares, vá para a loja online da App Store –
pesquise por ‘papa Francisco’, e comece a instalação do “O papa do fim do
mundo”. Um ícone para a aplicação aparecerá sobre seu desktop do iPad.


In the app the journalist Sergio Rubín discusses the election of the Argentine as pontiff. Rubín is the author of the only authorized biography of the first Latin American Pope. There is also an interview with Leonardo Boff, a Brazilian exponent of Liberation Theology, who argues that Pope Francis will provoke a debate in the Roman Curia regarding subjects that have, until now, been considered taboo. The Swiss theologian Hans Küng, a critic of Benedict XVI, also analyses the election of Pope Francis and talks of his expectations for his papacy.

No app o jornalista Sergio Rubín descreve a eleição do Argentino como pontífice.
Rubín é o autor da única biografia autorizada do primeiro Papa da América
Latina. Há também uma entrevista com Leonardo Boff, um expoente brasileiro da
Teologia da Libertação, que argumenta que o Papa Francisco provocará um debate
na Cúria de Roma a respeito de assuntos que têm, até agora, sido considerados
tabus. O teólogo Suíço Hans Küng, um crítico de Benedito XVI, também analisa a
eleição do Papa Francisco e fala de suas expectativas para seu papado.


The challenges that Pope Francis may face, as well as the secrets revealed in the Vatileaks scandal are also addressed by reports available in the app.

Os desafios que o Papa Francisco pode enfrentar, assim como os segredos revelados
no escândalo Vatileaks são também expressados pelos relatos disponíveis no app.


Furthermore, there is a timeline of all the popes, with an analysis of why Bergoglio opted for the name of Francis. Video and audio material with homilies and phrases of the new Pope explore the implications of this choice for the Catholic Church.

Além disso, há uma linha do tempo de todos os papas, com uma análise do porque
Bergoglio optou pelo nome Francisco. Materiais em vídeo e áudio com homílias e
frases do novo Papa exploram as implicações desta escolha para a Igreja


“Clarín”, Argentina’s best selling newspaper, has also released a Spanish-language version of the app.

O “Clarín”, o mais vendido jornal da Argentina, também tem distribuído uma versão
em Espanhol do app.


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