
Inglês – Tradução Livre 53/2013


NGO Reveals Increase in Amazon Deforestation Levels

figures have indicated a further rise in the deforestation of the Amazon
rainforest. The NGO Imazon (Institute of Man and Environment of Amazônia)
recorded an increase of 103% between August of 2012 and June of 2013 compared
with the same period of the previous year.

June alone, the satellites of the Deforestation Alert System (SAD) detected 184
km² of deforestation or degradation, a rise of 437% on the same month last

the end of last year, Brazil celebrated the lowest rate of deforestation since
monitoring began in 1988. However, the latest figures show that this trend may
be reversing, and government statistics released in recent months have also
indicated an increase.

from Deter, the real-time monitoring system run by the National Institute of
Space Research (INPE), have also shown a significant rise. Research suggests
that as much as 465 km² may have been affected in May of 2013 – an increase of
370% on May of 2012.

increase in deforestation rates has been detected by the government as well as
Imazon. I think this leaves little room for doubt that something is happening
here,” says Adalberto Veríssimo, an Imazon researcher and one of the
authors of the latest study. “It wasn’t just a slight increase.”

set of data is yet definitive. Monitoring is hindered by cloud cover, as well
as by limited image resolution. The official statistics used by the government
come from the Prodes Project, also run by INPE. These figures are more
detailed, though they are released just once a year.

the way it should be,” says Dalton Valeriano, the coordinator of the INPE
monitoring program. “We provide accurate figures which reflect a cycle.
Deforestation is not like inflation, which needs to be divulged every

criticized the methodology used by Imazon and also pointed out that the figures
produced by Deter are not produced in order to provide a reliable point of
comparison. Rather, they serve as a means of alerting the Brazilian Institute
of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) – a government body
linked to the Ministry of the Environment.




Tradução Livre

NGO Reveals Increase in Amazon Deforestation Levels

ONG revela aumentos nos níveis de desmatamento na Amazônia


New figures have
indicated a further rise in the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest. The NGO
Imazon (Institute of Man and Environment of Amazônia) recorded an increase of
103% between August of 2012 and June of 2013 compared with the same period of
the previous year.

Novos dados têm indicado um
aumento adicional no desmatamento da floresta Amazônica. A ONG Imazon
(Institute of Man and Environment of Amazônia) relatou um aumento de 103% entre
agosto de 2012 e junho de 2013 comparado com o mesmo período de anos


In June alone, the
satellites of the Deforestation Alert System (SAD) detected 184 km² of
deforestation or degradation, a rise of 437% on the same month last year.

Em junho somente, os
satélites do Deforestation Alert System (SAD) detectaram 184 km2 de
desmatamento ou degradação, um aumento de 437% no mesmo mês do último ano.


At the end of last
year, Brazil celebrated the lowest rate of deforestation since monitoring began
in 1988. However, the latest figures show that this trend may be reversing, and
government statistics released in recent months have also indicated an

No final do último ano, o
Brasil celebrou a mais baixa taxa de desmatamento desde o início do
monitoramento em 1988. Contudo, os últimos dados mostram que essa tendência
pode estar se revertendo, e as estatísticas do governo distribuídas em meses
recentes têm também indicado um aumento.


Figures from Deter,
the real-time monitoring system run by the National Institute of Space Research
(INPE), have also shown a significant rise. Research suggests that as much as
465 km² may have been affected in May of 2013 – an increase of 370% on May of

Dados do Deter, o sistema
de monitoramento em tempo real dirigido pelo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisa
Espacial (INPE), tem também mostrado um aumento significante. A pesquisa sugere
que tanto quanto 465 km2 podem ter sido afetados em maio de 2013 – um aumento
de 370% sobre maio de 2012.


“The increase
in deforestation rates has been detected by the government as well as Imazon. I
think this leaves little room for doubt that something is happening here,”
says Adalberto Veríssimo, an Imazon researcher and one of the authors of the
latest study.
wasn’t just a slight increase.”

“O aumento nas taxas de
desmatamento tem sido detectado pelo governo bem como pela Imazon. Eu penso que
isso deixa pequeno espaço para dúvida que algo está acontecendo lá”, diz
Adalberto Veríssimo, um pesquisador do Imazon e um dos autores do último estudo.
“Não é somente um ligeiro aumento”.


set of data is yet definitive. Monitoring is hindered by cloud cover, as well
as by limited image resolution. The official statistics used by the government
come from the Prodes Project, also run by INPE. These figures are more
detailed, though they are released just once a year.

Nem o conjunto de dados é
ainda definitivo. O monitoramento é dificultado pela cobertura de nuvens, bem
como pela resolução limitada da imagem. As estatísticas oficiais usadas pelo
governo vêm do Prodes Project, também dirigido pelo INPE. Esses dados são mais
detalhados, embora eles sejam distribuídos somente uma vez ao ano.


“That’s the
way it should be,” says Dalton Valeriano, the coordinator of the INPE
monitoring program. “We provide accurate figures which reflect a cycle. Deforestation
is not like inflation, which needs to be divulged every month.”

“Essa é a forma como
deve ser”, diz Dalton Valeriano, o coordenador do programa de monitoramento do
INPE. “Nós provemos dados acurados os quais refletem o ciclo. O desmatamento não
é como a inflação, a qual necessita ser divulgada a cada mês”.


criticized the methodology used by Imazon and also pointed out that the figures
produced by Deter are not produced in order to provide a reliable point of
comparison. Rather, they serve as a means of alerting the Brazilian Institute
of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) – a government body
linked to the Ministry of the Environment.

Valeriano criticou a
metodologia usada pelo Imazon e também apontou que os dados produzidos pelo
Deter não são produzidos a fim de prover um confiável ponto de comparação. Em
vez disso, eles servem como um meio de alertar o IBAMA – um órgão do governo
ligado ao Ministério do Meio Ambiente.



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