
Inglês – Tradução Livre 5/2013


Nothing is certain


IN MID-2012 Eike Batista, until recently
Brazil’s richest man, saw his empire battered. OGX, an oil firm he controls,
said its wells were less productive than it had thought. By the end of the year
Mr Batista’s fortune fell by two-thirds, to $12.4 billion. Now he is under
attack on another flank. On January 8th MMX, his mining company, said it had
been handed a bill relating to its activities in 2007, for 3.8 billion reais
($1.8 billion) for corporate income tax and social security, plus interest and


MMX says it will be fighting these “totally
baseless” charges. That adds it to a growing list of Brazilian firms battling
the tax authorities over huge sums. The previous day Natura, a direct-sales
cosmetics firm, said it was disputing 630m reais in federal sales taxes. In
December Fibria, a paper-and-pulp firm, and Santos Brasil, a port operator,
said they were being chased for 1.7 billion and 330m reais, respectively, in
corporate income tax and social security. None of the four companies has made
loss provisions; all say they regard the risk of having to pay as remote.



Tradução Livre

Nothing is certain

Nada é certo


IN MID-2012 Eike Batista, until recently
Brazil’s richest man, saw his empire battered. OGX, an oil firm he controls,
said its wells were less productive than it had thought. By the end of the year
Mr Batista’s fortune fell by two-thirds, to $12.4 billion. Now he is under
attack on another flank. On January 8th MMX, his mining company, said it had
been handed a bill relating to its activities in 2007, for 3.8 billion reais
($1.8 billion) for corporate income tax and social security, plus interest and

Em meados de 2012, Eiki Batista, até recentemente o homem
mais rico do Brasil, disse que seu império quebrou. A OGX, uma firma de
petróleo que ele controla, disse que seus poços(Wells) estavam menos produtivos do que ela
tinha pensado. No final do ano a fortuna do Senhor Batista caiu dois terços,
para 12,4 bilhões de dólares. Agora ele está sob ataque em outro flanco. Em 08
de janeiro, a MMX, sua companhia de mineração(mining), disse que tinha sido entregue (a ela) uma
conta(multa) relacionada com suas atividades em 2007, de 3,8 bilhões de reais
por imposto de renda corporativo e previdência social (contribuições sociais), acréscimos
de juros e multas.


MMX says it will be fighting these “totally
baseless” charges. That adds it to a growing list of Brazilian firms battling
the tax authorities over huge sums. The previous day Natura, a direct-sales
cosmetics firm, said it was disputing 630m reais in federal sales taxes. In
December Fibria, a paper-and-pulp firm, and Santos Brasil, a port operator,
said they were being chased for 1.7 billion and 330m reais, respectively, in
corporate income tax and social security. None of the four companies has made
loss provisions; all say they regard the risk of having to pay as remote.

A MMX disse que ele estará lutando
contra esses encargos “totalmente sem base”. Ela acrescentou que está crescendo
a lista de firmas brasileiras que batalham contra as autoridades tributárias
sobre altas somas. No dia anterior, a Natura, uma firma de venda direta de
cosméticos, disse que estava disputando 630 milhões de reais em impostos
federais sobre vendas. Em dezembro, a Fibria, uma firma de papel e celulose, e
Santos Brasil, um operador portuário, disseram que eles estavam sendo gravados
em 1,7 bilhões de reais e 330 milhões de reais, respectivamente, no imposto de
renda corporativo e previdência social. Nenhuma das quatro companhias tinha
feito provisões de perdas; todas disseram que elas consideram o risco de ter
pagar como remoto.


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