
Inglês – Tradução Livre 37/2013


‘Cheats the Scale’ With Local Content Rules, Says U.S. Secretary

The Brazilian government’s local content rules
are “very dodgy, they are not free trade and are the same as putting your
fingers on the scale.”

That was the harsh criticism of the Acting
Secretary of Commerce of the U.S., Rebecca Blank, to describe the main
complaint of U.S. businessmen who want to invest in Brazil.

Blank is in Brazil with representatives of 16
U.S. companies interested in exporting products and infrastructure services or
investing in major projects.

She says the change in the legislation that
gives preference to national products and services in public biddings is
“very dodgy.”

“The U.S has great experience in some areas
of advanced services, such as design and environmental issues. With these
rules, it is very difficult for U.S. companies to take part, which will make
the projects more difficult to carry out.”




‘Cheats the Scale’ With Local Content Rules, Says U.S. Secretary

Brasil “burla a escala” (rouba na balança) com o conteúdo de regras local, diz
Secretária dos EUA


The Brazilian government’s local content rules
are “very dodgy, they are not free trade and are the same as putting your
fingers on the scale

O conteúdo de regras local (nacional) do governo brasileiro é “muito problemático”,
elas não são de livre comércio e são o mesmo como roubar na balança.


That was the harsh criticism of the Acting
Secretary of Commerce of the U.S., Rebecca Blank, to describe the main
complaint of U.S. businessmen who want to invest in Brazil.

Essa foi a dura crítica da Secretária Interina de Comércio dos EUA,
Rebecca Blank, para descrever a principal queixa dos empresários dos EUA que
querem investir no Brasil.


Blank is in Brazil with representatives of 16
U.S. companies interested in exporting products and infrastructure services or
investing in major projects.

Blank está no Brasil com representantes de 16 companhias dos EUA
interessados em exportar produtos e serviços de infraestrutura ou investir em
projetos maiores.


She says the change in the legislation that
gives preference to national products and services in public biddings is
“very dodgy.”

Ela diz que a mudança na legislação que dá preferência para serviços e
produtos nacionais em licitações públicos é “muito problemática”.


“The U.S has great experience in some areas
of advanced services, such as design and environmental issues. With these
rules, it is very difficult for U.S. companies to take part, which will make
the projects more difficult to carry out.”

“Os EUA tem grande
experiência em algumas áreas de serviços avançados, tais como questões design e meio ambiente. Com essas
regras, é muito difícil para as companhias dos Estados Unidos tomarem parte, o
que fará os projetos mais difíceis de realizarem-se”.




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