
Inglês – Tradução Livre 3/2013

Olá a todos!

Eu informo para quem ainda não conhece que possuo uma página com traduções livres de Inglês e Espanhol. Lá você encontrará mais de 700 textos traduzidos de Inglês e mais de 400 textos traduzidos de Espanhol. O endereço é

Bom dia de estudos para todos.

Adinoél Sebastião

([email protected][email protected])



Government tries to weaken law governing public


Dilma Rousseff’s government took advantage of
its tax reform proposal, sent to Congress on Friday, to try to weaken the
Fiscal Responsibility Law for their own benefit.


In a project whose sole aim should be to enforce
the end of the fiscal war between states for investments, the Presidential
Palace quietly included an article that changes, for the first time, one of the
pillars of the tax law in effect since 2000.


According to the new text, which will only be
examined by representatives and senators starting in February of next year, the
government will be able to promote tax cuts with less difficulty than required
today, in order to avoid risks to the soundness of public accounts.


Today, at the launch of a tax relief measure,
the government must show that the impact on the Treasury has already been
considered in the budget – with spending cuts, for example – and will not
affect the fiscal targets.


Otherwise, it is necessary to compensate for the
estimated loss in the current year and the following two years, by raising or
creating other taxes.


Since the worsening of the international crisis,
which has already gone on for more than four years, taxes were reduced to
stimulate industry, exports and employment – and the targets for the income to
the Treasury will be unfulfilled this year for the third time in the period.


The dribble in tax law drew the attention of the
TCU (National Audit Court), which began to question the economic area on the procedures
adopted in the rounds of tax relief.


According to what Folha has learned, the TCU
held that the arrangements made by the Treasury in adopting the tax measures
were not sufficient to meet the legal requirements.





Government tries to weaken law governing public

Governo tenta enfraquecer lei dos gastos públicos


Dilma Rousseff’s government took advantage of
its tax reform proposal, sent to Congress on Friday, to try to weaken the
Fiscal Responsibility Law for their own benefit.

O governo de Dilma Rousseff tirou vantagem de sua proposta de reforma
fiscal, enviada ao Congresso na sexta-feira, para tentar enfraquecer a Lei de
Responsabilidade Fiscal para seu próprio benefício.


In a project whose sole aim should be to enforce
the end of the fiscal war between states for investments, the Presidential
Palace quietly included an article that changes, for the first time, one of the
pillars of the tax law in effect since 2000.

No projeto cujo exclusivo objetivo deveria ser executar o fim da guerra
fiscal entre os Estados para investimentos, o Palácio Presidencial quietamente
incluiu um artigo que muda, pela primeira vez, um dos pilares da lei fiscal em vigor
desde 2000.


According to the new text, which will only be
examined by representatives and senators starting in February of next year, the
government will be able to promote tax cuts with less difficulty than required
today, in order to avoid risks to the soundness of public accounts.

De acordo com o novo texto, o qual somente será examinado pelos
deputados e senadores no início de fevereiro do próximo ano, o governo estará
habilitado a promover cortes tributários com menos dificuldade do que requerido
hoje, a fim de evitar riscos para o vigor das contas públicas.


Today, at the launch of a tax relief measure,
the government must show that the impact on the Treasury has already been
considered in the budget – with spending cuts, for example – and will not
affect the fiscal targets.

Hoje, no lançamento de uma medida de benefício fiscal, o governo deve
mostrar que o impacto sobre o Tesouro já teria sido considerado no orçamento –
com cortes de gastos, por exemplo – e não afetará os objetivos fiscais.


Otherwise, it is necessary to compensate for the
estimated loss in the current year and the following two years, by raising or
creating other taxes.

Do contrário, é necessário compensar as perdas estimadas no ano corrente
e nos próximos dois anos, aumentando ou criando outros impostos.


Since the worsening of the international crisis,
which has already gone on for more than four years, taxes were reduced to
stimulate industry, exports and employment – and the targets for the income to
the Treasury will be unfulfilled this year for the third time in the period.

Desde a piora da crise internacional, a qual já vem por mais de quatro
anos, tributos/impostos foram reduzidos para estimular a industria, exportações e emprego – e os
objetivos para a receita do Tesouro será incompleta este ano pela terceira vez
no período.


The dribble in tax law drew the attention of the
TCU (National Audit Court), which began to question the economic area on the
procedures adopted in the rounds of tax relief.

O drible na lei fiscal atrai a atenção do TCU (Tribunal de Contas da
União), o qual iniciou um questionamento para área econômica sobre os
procedimentos adotados nos ciclos de benefício fiscal.


According to what Folha has learned, the TCU
held that the arrangements made by the Treasury in adopting the tax measures
were not sufficient to meet the legal requirements.

De acordo com o que a Folha apurou, o TCU assegurou que os arranjos
feitos pelo Tesouro na adoção de medidas fiscais não foram suficientes para
encontrar as exigências legais.



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