
Inglês – Tradução Livre 19/2013



Law bans
companies that use slave-like labor in São Paulo


Yesterday, the state of São Paulo sanctioned a
law that closes companies in the state that use slave-like labor in their
production process.


The measure will affect companies that directly or
indirectly use that kind of labor in any part of the production chain.


As it cannot make labor laws (only the federal
government can), the state will enforce the measure that makes the companies’
operation impracticable: it will cancel their state enrollment in the ICMS


Without it, companies cannot issue invoices,
making commercial operation impossible. Act 1.034, sanctioned yesterday by
Governor Geraldo Alckmin, establishes that the company will be forbidden from
resuming commercial activities for 10 years.


Companies can be held accountable for
third-party problems – even when an outsourced company hires another to produce
the product ordered.


Companies will have to follow the production of
their suppliers. “Those who hire have to know if they are hiring someone
that uses slave labor. The company can be held accountable,” said Eloísa
de Sousa Arruda, State Secretary of Justice and Citizenship.
“Our state doesn’t house slavery, it houses factories. Factories don’t
produce chains, they create jobs,” said the governor.


The richest state in the country also has the
so-called urban slave labor. Today São Paulo has between 300,000 and 400,000
Bolivian, Peruvian and Paraguayan immigrants.


“Only one third of these immigrants are
legal. Two thirds are probably used by some sectors as slave labor,” says
Luiz Fabre, in charge of the São Paulo nucleus of the Public Labor Ministry
(MPT) to fight slave labor.




Tradução Livre


Law bans
companies that use slave-like labor in São Paulo


Lei bane
companhias que usam trabalho igual ao escravo em São Paulo


Yesterday, the state of São Paulo sanctioned a
law that closes companies in the state that use slave-like labor in their
production process.


Ontem, o Estado de São
Paulo sancionou uma lei que fecha companhias no estado que usam trabalho igual
ao escravo em seus processos de produção.



The measure will affect companies that directly
or indirectly use that kind of labor in any part of the production chain.


A medida afetará
companhias que diretamente ou indiretamente usam esse tipo de trabalho em
qualquer parte da cadeira de produção.



As it cannot make labor laws (only the federal
government can), the state will enforce the measure that makes the companies’
operation impracticable: it will cancel their state enrollment in the ICMS


Como ele (SP) não pode
fazer leis sobre trabalho (somente o governo federal pode), o estado imporá a
medida que faz a operação da companhia impraticável: ele cancelará sua
matrícula no registro do ICMS.


Without it, companies cannot issue invoices,
making commercial operation impossible. Act 1.034, sanctioned yesterday by
Governor Geraldo Alckmin, establishes that the company will be forbidden from
resuming commercial activities for 10 years.


Sem isso, as companhias
não podem emitir nota fiscal (invoices), fazendo a operação comercial
impossível. A Lei 1034, sancionada ontem pelo Governo Geraldo Alckmin,
estabelece que a companhia será proibida de retomar as atividades comerciais
por 10 anos.



Companies can be held accountable for
third-party problems – even when an outsourced company hires another to produce
the product ordered.


As companhias podem ser
consideradas responsáveis por problemas de uma terceira parte – mesmo quando
uma terceirizada contrata outra para produzir o produto encomendado.



Companies will have to follow the production of
their suppliers. “Those who hire have to know if they are hiring someone
that uses slave labor. The company can be held accountable,” said Eloísa
de Sousa Arruda, State Secretary of Justice and Citizenship.

As companhias terão que
seguir a produção de seus fornecedores. “Aqueles que contratam tem que conhecer
se eles estão contratando alguém que usa trabalho escravo. A companhia pode ser
considerada responsável”, disse Eloísa de Sousa Arruda, Secretária de Estado da
Justiça e Cidadania.



“Our state doesn’t house slavery, it houses
factories. Factories don’t produce chains, they create jobs,” said the


“Nosso estado não
hospeda escravidão, ele hospeda fábricas. Fábricas não produzem algemas, eles
criam empregos”, disse o governador.



The richest state in the country also has the
so-called urban slave labor. Today São Paulo has between 300,000 and 400,000
Bolivian, Peruvian and Paraguayan immigrants.


O estado mais rico no
país também tem o chamado trabalho escravo urbano. Hoje São Paulo tem entre
300.000 e 400.000 imigrantes bolivianos, peruanos e paraguaios.



“Only one third of these immigrants are
legal. Two thirds are probably used by some sectors as slave labor,” says
Luiz Fabre, in charge of the São Paulo nucleus of the Public Labor Ministry
(MPT) to fight slave labor.


“Somente um terço desses imigrantes são legais. Dois terços são
provavelmente usados por alguns setores como trabalho escravo”, disse Luiz
Fabre, encarregado do núcleo de São Paulo do Ministério Público do Trabalho
(MPT) para lutar contra o trabalho escravo.


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