
Inglês – Tradução Livre 12/2013


In his first summons, Felipão calls four veterans and
announces a fixed striker against England in London


Luiz Felipe Scolari (Felipão) started to put his mark
on the Brazilian national team yesterday. In announcing the players for the
friendly match against England on February 6 in London, the coach made it clear
he will change the tactical scheme put together by Mano Menezes, and rescued
four veterans.


In his first summons, Felipão
called Ronaldinho, Fred, Luis Fabiano and goalkeeper Julio Cesar. At least
three of them will have positions at Wembley. They’ve all played in at least
one World Cup, and except for Fred, are at least 30 years old.


Besides putting more
experienced players in key positions, Felipão announced that he will confront
the British with a player “more integrated in the attack.” In recent
matches, Mano had already abolished the fixed striker, and four athletes took
turns at the position.


Fred and Luis Fabiano will be
tested permanently at striker. According to the coach, each will play for a
time at the position.


Calling veterans, he pleased
the president of the CBF, Jose Maria Marin, who was in favor of inviting
experienced players. He pressed Mano on Fred and Ronaldinho.


Mano was fired by Marin in a
surprising decision of the leadership, when the national team started to play
well after failures in London in 2012 and in the 2011 America’s Cup.


Tradução Livre

In his first summons, Felipão calls four veterans and
announces a fixed striker against England in London


Em sua primeira chamada, Felipão chama quatro
veteranos e anuncia um atacante fixo contra a Inglaterra em Londres


Luiz Felipe Scolari (Felipão) started to put his mark
on the Brazilian national team yesterday. In announcing the players for the
friendly match against England on February 6 in London, the coach made it clear
he will change the tactical scheme put together by Mano Menezes, and rescued
four veterans.


Luiz Felipe Scolari (Felipão) começou a colocar
sua marca sobre o time nacional brasileiro ontem. No anúncio dos jogadores para
o amistoso (friendly match) contra a Inglaterra em 6 de fevereiro em Londres, o
técnico fez isso claro, ele mudou o esquema tático colocado por Mano Menezes, e
resgatou quatro veteranos.



In his first summons, Felipão
called Ronaldinho, Fred, Luis Fabiano and goalkeeper Julio Cesar. At least
three of them will have positions at Wembley. They’ve all played in at least
one World Cup, and except for Fred, are at least 30 years old.


Em sua primeira chamada, Felipão chamou
Ronaldinho, Fred, Luis Fabiano e o goleiro Julio Cesar. Pelo menos (at least)
três deles terão posição em Wembley. Eles terão todos jogado em pelo menos (at least)
uma Copa do Mundo, e exceto por Fred, estão com pelo menos (at least) 30 anos
de idade.



Besides putting more
experienced players in key positions, Felipão announced that he will confront
the British with a player “more integrated in the attack.” In recent
matches, Mano had already abolished the fixed striker, and four athletes took
turns at the position.


Além de colocar mais jogadores experientes nas
principas posições, Felipão anunciou que ele confrontaria os britânicos com um
jogador “mais integrado no ataque”. Em recentes jogos, Mano já tinha abolido o
atacante fixo, e quatro atletas revezavam-se na posição.



Fred and Luis Fabiano will be
tested permanently at striker. According to the coach, each will play for a
time at the position.


Fred e Luis Fabiano serão testados
permanentemente como atacantes. De acordo com o técnico, cada um jogará por um
tempo na posição.



Calling veterans, he pleased
the president of the CBF, Jose Maria Marin, who was in favor of inviting
experienced players.
He pressed Mano on Fred and Ronaldinho.


Chamando veteranos, ele agrada o presidente da
CBF, Jose Maria Marin, que estava a favor de investir em jogadores experientes.
He pressionou Mano sobre Fred e Ronaldinho.



Mano was fired by Marin in a
surprising decision of the leadership, when the national team started to play
well after failures in London in 2012 and in the 2011 America’s Cup.


Mano foi queimado por Marin em uma decisão
surpresa do comando, quando o time nacional começou a jogar bem após falhas em
Londres em 2012 e em 2011 na Copa América.


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