
Inglês – Tradução Livre 1/2013

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Aproveito para informá-los que durante 2012 a ESAF retirou os textos das provas de língua inglesa dos seguintes sites: 

-The Economist;


-International Herald Tribune;

-The Guardian;

-Brazzil Magazine. 


Bom dia de estudos para todos.


Adinoél Sebastião

(adinoel@estraté –
[email protected])



Defense area grows within Embraer and generates $1 billion


It’s a record: the defense sector of the Brazilian
company Embraer should earn $1 billion this year. And there is not a unique
reason behind it. There are exports, contracts to modernize or perform
maintenance on aircraft of the FAB (Brazilian Air Force), and non-aeronautical
programs in areas such as defense of the borders of Brazil.


And in 2013, it could take off even more, because in
the first quarter the end of the technical details of the company’s largest
military project – and also the largest airplane created by the company – is
expected, the transport and aerial refueling KC -390 aircraft. Then the product
should begin to be sold internationally.


The company expects the 60 “letters of
intent” to purchase the KC-390 to turn into contracts in 2013, according
to Luiz Carlos Aguiar, President of Embraer Defense and Security. Of these, 28
aircraft will be for the FAB.


The twin-engined jet is the first major multinational
project in the area of aviation where a Brazilian company that is the prime
contractor. The program includes more than 20 partners and suppliers,
nationally and internationally.


The KC-390 is not being built as a new product for the
market, but to serve as a “replacement”, i.e. to replace the more
than 2,000 C-130 Hercules, from the American company Lockheed, in use by more
than 70 countries – including Brazil.


The KC-390 arose as much as a market strategy of the
company as a necessity of the FAB.


Already the light attack aircraft and trainer ALX, or
A-29 Super Tucano, was a conception of the Air Force that Embraer produced and
which became an international sales success.





Tradução Livre

Defense area grows within Embraer and generates $1 billion

Área de defesa cresce
dentro da Embraer e gera(generates) 1 bilhão de dólares


It’s a record: the defense sector of the Brazilian
company Embraer should earn $1 billion this year. And there is not a unique
reason behind it. There are exports, contracts to modernize or perform
maintenance on aircraft of the FAB (Brazilian Air Force), and non-aeronautical
programs in areas such as defense of the borders of Brazil.

É um recorde: o setor de defesa da companhia brasileira Embraer deverá
ganhar 1 bilhão de dólares este ano. E não há uma única razão por trás disso. Há(there are)
exportações, contratos para modernizar ou fazer a manutenção das aeronaves(aircraft) da
FAB (Força Aérea Brasileira), e programas não aeronáuticos em áreas como, por
exemplo, defesa das fronteiras(borders)
do Brasil.


And in 2013, it could take off even more, because in
the first quarter the end of the technical details of the company’s largest military
project – and also the largest airplane created by the company – is expected,
the transport and aerial refueling KC -390 aircraft. Then the product should
begin to be sold internationally.

(Could = verbo auxiliar = poderia / Should = verbo auxiliar = deveria)


E em 2013, ela poderia
tirar(could take off)
ainda mais, porque no primeiro trimestre o fim dos
detalhes técnicos do maior projeto militar da companhia – e também a maior
aeronave criada pela companhia – é esperado, o KC-390 aircraft de transporte e reabastecimento
aéreo. O produto deveria
chegar(should begin)
para ser vendido internacionalmente.


The company expects the 60 “letters of
intent” to purchase the KC-390 to turn into contracts in 2013, according
to Luiz Carlos Aguiar, President of Embraer Defense and Security. Of these, 28
aircraft will be for the FAB.

(Will = verbo auxiliar para formar o futuro)


A companhia espera que as “60 cartas de intenções” para comprar(to purchase)
do KC-390 tornem-se(to
turn into)
contratos em 2013, de acordo com Luiz Carlos Aguiar,
Presidente da Embraer Defesa e Segurança. Desses, 28 aeronaves serão(will be) para a


The twin-engined jet is the first major multinational
project in the area of aviation where a Brazilian company that is the prime
contractor. The program includes more than 20 partners and suppliers,
nationally and internationally.

O jato bimotor é o primeiro principal projeto internacional na área de
aviação onde uma companhia brasileira é principal contratante. O programa
inclui mais de 20 parceiros e fornecedores, nacionais e internacionais.


The KC-390 is not being built as a new product for the
market, but to serve as a “replacement”, i.e. to replace the more
than 2,000 C-130 Hercules, from the American company Lockheed, in use by more
than 70 countries – including Brazil.

O KC-390 não está sendo construído como um novo produto para o mercado,
mas para servir como uma “substituição”(replacement),
isto é, para substituir(replace)
mais de 2000 C-130 Hércules, da companhia americana Lockheed, em uso por mais
de 70 países – incluindo o Brasil.


The KC-390 arose as much as a market strategy of the
company as a necessity of the FAB.

O KC-390 nasceu(arose)
tanto quanto uma estratégia de mercado da companhia como uma necessidade da


Already the light attack aircraft and trainer ALX, or
A-29 Super Tucano, was a conception of the Air Force that Embraer produced and
which became an international sales success.

Já a aeronave de ataque leve e treinamento ALX, o A-29 Super Tucano, foi
uma concepção da Força Aérea que a Embraer produziu e a qual se tornou um
sucesso de vendas internacional.

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