
Inglês – Tradução Livre 20/2013


Spending for
the 2014 World Cup in Brazil explodes beyond prediction and reaches R$ 26.5


The cost for organizing the 2014 World Cup has now reached R$26.5
billion. The figure is R$2.7 billion higher than forecasted in the first
balance of Brazil’s budget, in January 2011, and will increase.


For the federal government, this account is not yet
closed. Asked by Folha, the Sports Ministry said the World Cup investment is
expected to reach R$33 billion.


Considered the current value – R$26.5 billion – the
country will finance 85.5% of the works related to the event. The money comes
from federal, state and municipal governments. The number is based on the
latest version of the responsibility matrix, consolidated in December 2012.


The document cites spending on works of urban
mobility, stadiums, ports, airports, telecommunications, security and tourism
related to the World Cup. Furthermore, it points out those responsible for
bearing the costs.


The figure has been updated with the price increase of
Maracana and with the values of the temporary installations around the arenas
of the Confederations Cup and the World Cup. To serve the two tournaments,
these structures will cost R$900 million to the hosts.


Of all the money that will be disbursed to hold the
World Cup, only R$3.8 billion will be funded by the private sector.


Another R$14.9 billion will be financed by the federal
government through loans or direct investment in the works. The remaining R$7.7
billion will come from the States and the host cities.


Most non-government investments will be made in
airports – R$3.64 billion will be invested in Guarulhos, Campinas, Brasília and


With the exception of Natal, these terminals will be
operated by concessionaires. After construction, the investors will exploit
them commercially.


In the construction and renovation of stadiums, the
disparity is even greater. Direct investment from the private sector is


In 2008, the year following the announcement that
Brazil would host the 2014 World Cup, then Sports Minister Orlando Silva Jr.
told Folha that not “a penny of public money” would be spent on World
Cup stadiums.


Asked about government spending, the Sports Ministry
argues that the World Cup is “a great opportunity for the government to
accelerate infrastructure works and perform major interventions for the


The ministry even states that spending on structure
and services cannot be considered “a specific cost of organizing the


The COL (Local Organizing Committee) had not responded
to questions from the reporter by the completion of this edition.


Tradução Livre

Spending for
the 2014 World Cup in Brazil explodes beyond prediction and reaches R$ 26.5

Gastos para Copa do Mundo
de 2014 no Brasil explodem além do previsto e alcançam 26,5 bilhões de reais

[beyond = além de, outro lado]



The cost for organizing the 2014 World Cup has now reached R$26.5
billion. The figure is R$2.7 billion higher than forecasted in the first
balance of Brazil’s budget, in January 2011, and will increase.

O custo
de organização da Copa do Mundo de 2014 tem agora alcançado 26,5 bilhões de
reais. O número (figure) é 2,7 bilhões mais alto do que o previsto (forecasted)
no primeiro balanço de orçamento do Brasil, em janeiro de 2011, e aumentará.



For the federal government, this account is not yet
closed. Asked by Folha, the Sports Ministry said the World Cup investment is
expected to reach R$33 billion.

Para o
governo federal, essa conta não está ainda fechada. Perguntado pela Folha, o
Ministério dos Esportes disse que o investimento da Copa do Mundo é esperado
para alcançar 33 bilhões de reais.



Considered the current value – R$26.5 billion – the
country will finance 85.5% of the works related to the event. The money comes
from federal, state and municipal governments. The number is based on the
latest version of the responsibility matrix, consolidated in December 2012.

o valor corrente – 26,5 bilhões de reais – o país financiará (will finance)
85,5% dos trabalhos relacionados com o evento. O dinheiro vem dos governos
federal, estadual e municipal. O número é baseado sobre a última versão da
matriz de responsabilidade, consolidada em dezembro de 2012.



The document cites spending on works of urban
mobility, stadiums, ports, airports, telecommunications, security and tourism
related to the World Cup. Furthermore, it points out those responsible for
bearing the costs.

documento cita gastos sobre os trabalhos de mobilidade urbana, estádios,
portos, aeroportos, telecomunicações, segurança e turismo relacionados com a
Copa do Mundo. Além disso, ele aponta (point out) aqueles responsáveis por
suportarem (bear) os custos.

= além disso]



The figure has been updated with the price increase of
Maracana and with the values of the temporary installations around the arenas
of the Confederations Cup and the World Cup. To serve the two tournaments,
these structures will cost R$900 million to the hosts.

O número
tem sido atualizado com o aumento de preço do Maracanã, e com os valores das
instalações temporárias em volta das arenas da Copa das Confederações e da Copa
do Mundo. Para servir aos dois torneios, essas estruturas custarão (will cost)
900 milhões de reais para os anfitriões.



Of all the money that will be disbursed to hold the
World Cup, only R$3.8 billion will be funded by the private sector.

De todo
o dinheiro que será desembolsado para hospedar a Copa do Mundo, somente 3,8
bilhões serão bancados (funded) pelo setor privado.



Another R$14.9 billion will be financed by the federal
government through loans or direct investment in the works. The remaining R$7.7
billion will come from the States and the host cities.

14,9 bilhões de reais serão (will be) financiados pelo governo federal por meio
de empréstimos ou investimentos direitos nos (in the) trabalhos. O remanescente
7,7 bilhões de reais virão (will come) dos estados e das cidades anfitriãs.


= por meio de, através de]



Most non-government investments will be made in
airports – R$3.64 billion will be invested in Guarulhos, Campinas, Brasília and

dos investimentos não governamentais serão (will be) feitos nos aeroportos –
3,64 bilhões de reais serão (will be) investidos em Guarulhos, Campinas,
Brasília e Natal.



With the exception of Natal, these terminals will be
operated by concessionaires. After construction, the investors will exploit
them commercially.

Com a
exceção de Natal, esses terminais serão (will be) operados por
concessionários.  Após a construção, os
investidores explorar-los-ão (will exploit them) comercialmente.



In the construction and renovation of stadiums, the
disparity is even greater. Direct investment from the private sector is

Na (in
the) construção e renovação dos estádios, a disparidade é ainda maior.



In 2008, the year following the announcement that
Brazil would host the 2014 World Cup, then Sports Minister Orlando Silva Jr.
told Folha that not “a penny of public money” would be spent on World
Cup stadiums.

Em 2008,
o ano seguinte ao anúncio de que o Brasil receberia (would host) a Copa do
Mundo de 2014, o então Ministro dos Esportes, Orlando Silva Júnior, disse para
a Folha que nenhum “centavo de dinheiro público” seria (would be) gasto sobre
os estádios da Copa do Mundo.



Asked about government spending, the Sports Ministry
argues that the World Cup is “a great opportunity for the government to
accelerate infrastructure works and perform major interventions for the population.”

sobre os gastos do governo, o Ministério dos Esportes argumenta que a Copa do
Mundo é “a grande oportunidade para o governo acelerar trabalhos de
infraestrutura e realizar os principais investimentos para a população”.



The ministry even states that spending on structure
and services cannot be considered “a specific cost of organizing the

ministério ainda declara (states) que os gastos sobre estrutura e serviços não
pode ser (cannot be) considerado “um custo específico da organização do



The COL (Local Organizing Committee) had not responded
to questions from the reporter by the completion of this edition.

O COL (Comitê Organizador Local) não tinha respondido as perguntas
do repórter até o fechamento desta edição.



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