
Inglês – Tradução Livre 17/2013


Postal Service says will end Saturday
mail delivery


The Postal Service plans to drop Saturday delivery of first-class
mail by August in its latest effort to cut costs after losing nearly $16
billion last fiscal year, the cash-strapped mail agency said on Wednesday.


The plan would save about $2 billion a year, the Postal Service
said. The mail agency will still deliver packages six days a week and will not
change post office operating hours.


The Postal Service has been losing billions of dollars each year
as it grapples with massive payments for future retiree health benefits and as
Americans’ increasing online communications drive down mail volumes.







Postal Service says will end Saturday
mail delivery

Serviço Postal diz encerrará a entrega de cartas aos sábados


The Postal Service plans to drop Saturday delivery of first-class
mail by August in its latest effort to cut costs after losing nearly $16
billion last fiscal year, the cash-strapped mail agency said on Wednesday.


O Serviço Postal planeja abandonar (to drop) a entrega aos sábados
das cartas de primeira-classe em Agosto em seu último esforço para cortar
custos após perder aproximadamente 16 bilhões de dólares no último ano fiscal,
disse a agência de correios* na quarta-feira.


*Cash-strapped = caixa apertado (dificuldades de caixa)


The plan would save about $2 billion a year, the Postal Service
said. The mail agency will still deliver packages six days a week and will not
change post office operating hours.


O plano salvaria cerca de 2 bilhões ao ano, disse o Serviço Postal.
A agência de correios ainda (still) entregaria pacotes seis dias na semana e
não mudaria (change) as horas de operações dos escritórios postais.


The Postal Service has been losing billions of dollars each year
as it grapples with massive payments for future retiree health benefits and as
Americans’ increasing online communications drive down mail volumes.


O Serviço Postal tem estado perdendo bilhões de dólares a cada ano
enquanto ele luta com os massivos pagamentos para futuras aposentadorias e
enquanto o aumento das comunicações online dos americanos diminui os volumes de


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