
Inglês – Tradução Livre 9/2013


Brazil city Campo Grande fights dengue fever outbreak


Health authorities in the Brazilian city of Campo
Grande, in the southern state of Mato Grosso do Sul, are fighting a dengue
fever epidemic.


600 residents a day have reported suffering from the symptoms of the fever
since the beginning of the year.




Paraguay, across the border from Mato Grosso do Sul, eight people have died
from the fever and more than 8,500 suspected cases have been reported.


the army and the police have been deployed to help clear potential mosquito
breeding grounds.







Tradução Livre


Brazil city Campo Grande fights dengue fever outbreak

A cidade de Campo Grande combate(fights) contra a eclosão(outbreak)
da febre da dengue



Health authorities in the Brazilian city of Campo
Grande, in the southern state of Mato Grosso do Sul, are fighting a dengue
fever epidemic.


Autoridades de Saúde na cidade
brasileira de Campo Grande, no sul do estado do Mato Grosso do Sul, estão
combatendo uma epidemia da febre da dengue.


600 residents a day have reported suffering from the symptoms of the fever
since the beginning of the year.

Cerca de 600 residentes ao dia têm
relatado sofrer os sintomas da febre desde o início do ano.




Paraguay, across the border from Mato Grosso do Sul, eight people have died
from the fever and more than 8,500 suspected cases have been reported.


No Paraguai, na fronteira com o Mato
Grosso do Sul, oito pessoas morreram da febre e mais de 8.500 casos suspeitos
foram relatados.


the army and the police have been deployed to help clear potential mosquito
breeding grounds.


Lá, o exercito e a polícia foram
organizados para ajudar a limpar potenciais criadouros do mosquito.

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