

Olá pessoal,


Acabam de ser lançados mais três cursos de Língua
Inglesa ESAF no site, dois para AFT e outro para AFC – Analista de Finanças e
Controle ( STN), como sabem são concursos concorridos e exigem portanto
preparação antecipada dos candidatos, a fim de que possam ter um bom
desempenho.E por falar em área fiscal trago no artigo de hoje um artigo da hora,
atendendo ao pedido de um aluno : conflito fiscal que Obama vai ter que

GOP divide over Obama tax plan goes public

By Tom


November 28,
2012 — Updated 2211 GMT (0611 HKT)

— An angry warning by President Barack Obama
delivered well over a year ago foreshadowed his campaign-style approach
on Wednesday aimed at pressuring Republicans to compromise and reach a
deal to avoid the
fiscal cliff.

foreshadow = prenunciou,

reach a deal = chegar a um acordo

fiscal cliff = precipício fiscal

In remarks at the White House, Obama urged Americans
to call, e-mail and tweet their members of Congress to urge immediate passage
of his proposal to extend tax cuts for most Americans
while allowing rates on the wealthiest 2% to increase to 1990s levels.

extend tax cuts = prorrogar a redução de impostos

“Let’s begin our work with where we agree,”
the president said, noting the Senate has passed the measure and that
both parties agree on holding down rates for the majority of taxpayers.
“If we can get a few House Republicans to agree as well, I’ll sign this bill
as soon as the House sends it my way.”

measure = medida

rate= taxa

taxpayer= contribuinte

bill = projeto
de lei

To applause from the White House audience that
included those described by organizers as middle-class Americans, the president
held up a pen to demonstrate his willingness to sign the law as soon as
it reaches his desk.

willingness = Disposição, boa vontade, prontidão

reach = alcançar, pegar, chegar

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See you,

Ena Smith

[email protected]      [email protected]

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