
Inglês – Tradução Livre 75/2013

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Para aqueles que estão na batalha por uma vaga no concurso dos seus sonhos eu digo para continuarem batalhando… não desistam, pois não existe vitória sem trabalho e dedicação.
Adinoél Sebastião

Brazil’s Lobby in the U.S. is Little Compared to That of Other Countries

“How many Brazilian companies and universities have permanent presence in Washington? How many channels for dialogue outside the government are there to advance or discuss Brazilian interests in the U.S.?,” says Michael Werz, senior researcher to developing countries of the Center for American Progress, a study center linked to the Democrat Party.

He answers the questions himself. “Nearly zero. In this city, Brazil seems like a small country.” Dozens of foreign affairs specialists heard by Folha in Washington share the same opinion. The relations between the Rousseff and Obama administrations have come to an almost full stop due to the espionage scandal and dialogue is very little.

“Brazil clearly has no story line in Washington,” says the president of think tank Inter-American Dialogue, Michael Shifter.

“In comparison with other developing countries, Brazil’s presence is very small,” says Julia Sweig, director of the Latin American program of the Council on Foreign Relations.

The five biggest Turkish business associations have their own offices in Washington for contacts and lobby. Mexico and India believe in the power of diaspora, major Mexicans and Indian-Americans have received awards and created associations in the U.S.

Brazilian participation has increased in recent years with the creation of the Brazilian Industry Coalition (BIC), linked to Fiesp, in 2000, and Wilson Center’s Brazil Institute in 2006, the only study center among the city’s 400 with an exclusive program for Brazil.

“Other countries with similar commercial importance invest much more,” says Paulo Sotero, director of Brazil Institute.

“In Washington, it’s crucial to know how to deal with the world of lobby, think tanks and media to be heard,” says Leticia Phillips, the representative of Unica, the Brazilian sugarcane and ethanol association for North America.

It lobbied for the U.S. congress to lower the high aliquots on the product, and succeeded.



Tradução Livre
Brazil’s Lobby in the U.S. is Little Compared to That of Other Countries
O “lobby” do Brasil nos Estados Unidos é pequeno comparado com o de outros países

“How many Brazilian companies and universities have permanent presence in Washington? How many channels for dialogue outside the government are there to advance or discuss Brazilian interests in the U.S.?,” says Michael Werz, senior researcher to developing countries of the Center for American Progress, a study center linked to the Democrat Party.
“Quantas companhias brasileiras e universidades têm presença permanente em Washington? Quantos canais de diálogo fora do governo há para avançar ou discutir os interesses brasileiros nos Estados Unidos?” diz Michael Werz, pesquisador sênior para países desenvolvidos do “Center for American Progress”, um centro de estudos ligado ao Partido Democrata.

He answers the questions himself. “Nearly zero. In this city, Brazil seems like a small country.” Dozens of foreign affairs specialists heard by Folha in Washington share the same opinion. The relations between the Rousseff and Obama administrations have come to an almost full stop due to the espionage scandal and dialogue is very little.
Ele responde as próprias perguntas. “Aproximadamente zero. Nesta cidade, o Brasil parece um pequeno país”. Dúzias de especialistas para assuntos estrangeiros ouvidos pela Folha em Washington repartem a mesma opinião. As relações entre as administrações Rousseff e Obama chegaram a uma quase parada total devido ao escândalo de espionagem e o diálogo é muito pequeno.

“Brazil clearly has no story line in Washington,” says the president of think tank Inter-American Dialogue, Michael Shifter.
“O Brasil claramente não tem um histórico em Washington”, diz o presidente do centro de estudos “Internacional American Dialogue”, Michael Shifter.

“In comparison with other developing countries, Brazil’s presence is very small,” says Julia Sweig, director of the Latin American program of the Council on Foreign Relations.
“Em comparação com outros países em desenvolvimento, a presença do Brasil é muito pequena”, diz Julia Sweig, diretora do programa América Latina do Conselho de Relações Exteriores.

The five biggest Turkish business associations have their own offices in Washington for contacts and lobby. Mexico and India believe in the power of diaspora, major Mexicans and Indian-Americans have received awards and created associations in the U.S.
As cinco maiores associações de negócios da Turquia têm seus próprios escritórios em Washington para contatos e “lobby”. México e Índia acreditam no poder da diáspora, destacados mexicanos e índio-americanos têm recebido prêmios e criaram associações nos Estados Unidos.

Brazilian participation has increased in recent years with the creation of the Brazilian Industry Coalition (BIC), linked to Fiesp, in 2000, and Wilson Center’s Brazil Institute in 2006, the only study center among the city’s 400 with an exclusive program for Brazil.
A participação brasileira tem aumentado em recentes anos com a criação do “Brazilian Industry Coalition”, ligado à FIESP, em 2000, e do “Wilson Center’s Brazil Institute” em 2006, o único centro de estudos entre os 400 da cidade com um programa exclusivo para o Brasil.

“Other countries with similar commercial importance invest much more,” says Paulo Sotero, director of Brazil Institute.
“Outros países com importância comercial similar investem muito mais”, diz Paulo Sotero, diretor do “Brasil Institute”.

“In Washington, it’s crucial to know how to deal with the world of lobby, think tanks and media to be heard,” says Leticia Phillips, the representative of Unica, the Brazilian sugarcane and ethanol association for North America.
“Em Washington, é crucial saber como negociar com o mundo do “lobby”, centros de estudos e mídia para ser ouvido”, diz Leticia Phillips, a representante da Única, a associação brasileira de açúcar de cana e etanol para a América do Norte.

It lobbied for the U.S. congress to lower the high aliquots on the product, and succeeded.
Ela fez “lobby” para que o congresso dos Estados Unidos baixasse as altas alíquotas sobre os produtos, e conseguiu.

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