
Inglês – Tradução Livre 71/2013

Military Projects Lead Government Investment

While the Brazilian Armed Forces complain about the lack of funds for daily activities, there are two projects part of the largest military investment at Dilma Rousseff government this year.

Together, the Prosub (Submarine Development Program) and the KC-390, a transportation aircraft and aerial refueling ordered from Embraer, received until October R$ 2.5 billion from the Treasury, according to an investigation made by Folha.

The amount allocated to each of these initiatives outweigh the spending with the main infrastructure works undertaken by the government.

The two military projects were included this year in the PAC (Growth Acceleration Program), which includes investment priority and free from spending blockages.

Thanks to a boost in the economic area of the Defense sector, a higher fiasco in the Treasury investment performance was prevented this year, from R$ 46.5 billion from January to September, according to the latest official data.

The number contrast, however, with the complaint from the military. Commanders mention situations like the fact that 346 from 624 Air Force aircrafts are on the ground due to lack of maintenance and fuel.

The problem happens because staff payment including retirees takes about 70% of the military budget, set for RS$ 72.9 billion next year. The current sector spending is at 1.5% of the GDP, and the Defense suggests that it should be 2%.

While it is not the same that repeating the famous phrase from the Pakistani leader Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto “even if we have to eat grass, we will make the atomic bomb,” the situation indicates the privilege of the two projects considered more strategic for the country.


Tradução Livre
Military Projects Lead Government Investment
Projetos militares lideram investimento do governo

While the Brazilian Armed Forces complain about the lack of funds for daily activities, there are two projects part of the largest military investment at Dilma Rousseff government this year.
Enquanto as Forças Armadas Brasileiras reclamam sobre a falta de fundos para atividades diárias, há dois projetos parte do maior investimento militar do governo Dilma Rousseff este ano.

Together, the Prosub (Submarine Development Program) and the KC-390, a transportation aircraft and aerial refueling ordered from Embraer, received until October R$ 2.5 billion from the Treasury, according to an investigation made by Folha.
Juntos, o Prosub (Programa de Desenvolvimento de Submarinos) e o KC-390, uma aeronave de transporte e reabastecimento aéreo encomendada à Embraer, receberam até outubro 2,5 bilhões de reais do Tesouro, de acordo com um investigação feita pela Folha.

The amount allocated to each of these initiatives outweigh the spending with the main infrastructure works undertaken by the government.
A quantia alocada para cada uma dessas iniciativas pesa mais que o gasto com os principais trabalhos de infraestrutura empreendidos pelo governo.

The two military projects were included this year in the PAC (Growth Acceleration Program), which includes investment priority and free from spending blockages.
Os dois projetos militares foram incluídos este ano no PAC (Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento), o qual inclui prioridade de investimento e gastos livre de bloqueios.

Thanks to a boost in the economic area of the Defense sector, a higher fiasco in the Treasury investment performance was prevented this year, from R$ 46.5 billion from January to September, according to the latest official data.
Graças ao impulso na área econômica do setor de Defesa, um maior fiasco (desastre) no desempenho do Tesouro foi evitado deste ano, 46,5 bilhões de reais de janeiro a setembro, de acordo com o último dado oficial.

The number contrast, however, with the complaint from the military. Commanders mention situations like the fact that 346 from 624 Air Force aircrafts are on the ground due to lack of maintenance and fuel.
O número contrasta, contudo, com a reclamação dos militares. Os comandantes mencionam situações como o fato de 346 das 624 aeronaves da Força Aérea estarem no chão devido à falta de manutenção e combustível.

The problem happens because staff payment including retirees takes about 70% of the military budget, set for RS$ 72.9 billion next year. The current sector spending is at 1.5% of the GDP, and the Defense suggests that it should be 2%.
O problema acontece porque o pagamento do pessoal incluindo aposentados chega perto de 70% do orçamento militar, colocado para 72,9 bilhões para o próximo ano. O gasto atual do setor é 1,5 do PIB, e a Defesa sugere que ele deveria ser 2%.

While it is not the same that repeating the famous phrase from the Pakistani leader Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto “even if we have to eat grass, we will make the atomic bomb,” the situation indicates the privilege of the two projects considered more strategic for the country.
Embora isso não seja o mesmo que repetir a famosa frase do líder paquistanês Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto “mesmo que nós tenhamos que comer grama, nós faremos a bomba atômica”, a situação indica que o privilégio dos dois projetos considerados mais estratégicos para o país.

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