
Inglês – Tradução Livre 68/2013

Brazil’s Environmental Integrity Not Damaged By Oil Exploration, Says Ambassador

Brazil’s chief negotiator at the next UN conference on climate change has defended the exploration of pre-salt layer oil reserves, arguing that this does not damage Brazil’s credibility at meetings such as the COP-19, due to be held next week in Warsaw, Poland.

Human use of fossil fuels (oil, coal and natural gas) is one of the principal sources of the emission of greenhouse gases.

Brazil’s ambassador, José Antonio Marcondes de Carvalho, rejected the criticism. “In no way is there a contradiction,” he said. “Brazil is not the only oil producer in the world. We are merely beginning the exploration of a natural resource which lie within our territory.”

The diplomat argued that Brazil’s credibility is “completely intact.” “Even more so, since Brazil has already volunteered to make significant reductions in emissions,” he said.


Tradução Livre
Brazil’s Environmental Integrity Not Damaged By Oil Exploration, Says Ambassador
A integridade do meio ambiente do Brasil não será prejudicada pela exploração de óleo, diz embaixador

Brazil’s chief negotiator at the next UN conference on climate change has defended the exploration of pre-salt layer oil reserves, arguing that this does not damage Brazil’s credibility at meetings such as the COP-19, due to be held next week in Warsaw, Poland.
O negociador chefe do Brasil na conferência da ONU sobre a mudança climática defendeu a exploração das reservas de óleo da camada pré-sal, arguindo que isso não prejudica a credibilidade do Brasil nas reuniões tais como a COP-19, que deverá ser realizada na próxima semana em Varsóvia, Polônia.

Human use of fossil fuels (oil, coal and natural gas) is one of the principal sources of the emission of greenhouse gases.
O uso (pelos humanos) de combustíveis fósseis (óleo, carvão e gás natural) é uma das principais fontes de emissões de gases de efeito estufa.

Brazil’s ambassador, José Antonio Marcondes de Carvalho, rejected the criticism. “In no way is there a contradiction,” he said. “Brazil is not the only oil producer in the world. We are merely beginning the exploration of a natural resource which lie within our territory.”
O embaixador do Brasil, José Antonio Marcondes de Carvalho, rejeitou a crítica. “De maneira nenhuma há uma contradição”, ele disse. “O Brasil não é o único produtor no mundo. Nós estamos meramente começando a exploração de um recurso natural o qual repousa dentro do nosso território”.

The diplomat argued that Brazil’s credibility is “completely intact.” “Even more so, since Brazil has already volunteered to make significant reductions in emissions,” he said.
O diplomata argumenta que a credibilidade do Brasil está “completamente intacta”. “Além do mais, deste então o Brasil tem já se oferecido para fazer reduções significantes em emissões”, ele disse.

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