
Inglês – Tradução Livre 61/2013

In Ten Years of Bolsa Família, Federal Expenses with Assistance Triple

In the ten years of the Bolsa Familia program, completed on Sunday, the biggest change in the federal government’s budget was in social aid.

Previously regarded as a secondary area, disliked even by leftist and rightist sectors, social aid became the fourth biggest federal expense, behind the undefeatable social security, education and health – which was stagnant in the period.

As a proportion of the government’s revenues, social aid – which includes benefits for people with low income without the counterpart of social contribution – surpassed traditional sectors, such as defense, labor support and the entire judiciary system in the past decade.

During the Workers Party (PT) administration, assistant expenses, comprised of the Bolsa Familia and benefits for elders and the handicapped, rose from 3.2% to 9.2% of the government’s current net revenue (the permanent revenue, after payments to states and cities and other resource sources).

In currency outlays, it is better to compare the R$ 13.9 billion (US$ 6.43 billion) spent in 2004 (US$ 10 billion in current values), when all the program’s expenses were first classified as assistance, to the US$ 31.5 billion scheduled for 2014.

The amount tripled not only because of the Bolsa Familia program, which rose from US$ 3.47 billion to US$ 11.4 billion. But it was the program that made that kind of expense a federal priority.

Since then, the status of social aid changed from a simple temporary gift to underprivileged families. A ministry, technicians, statistics (lightly contaminated by the election reading) were put together for the area as it became a protagonist in the political debate.

There are still accusations of paternalism and abandoning hopes for social transformation, but no relevant political power in Brazil considers ending the current assistance system. Even old pleas for an exit for the Bolsa Familia program seem to have been forgotten.



Tradução Livre
In Ten Years of Bolsa Família, Federal Expenses with Assistance Triple
Em dez anos de Bolsa Família, a Despesa Federal com assistência triplica

In the ten years of the Bolsa Familia program, completed on Sunday, the biggest change in the federal government’s budget was in social aid.
Em dez anos do programa Bolsa Família, completado no domingo, a maior mudança no orçamento do governo federal foi na assistência social.

Previously regarded as a secondary area, disliked even by leftist and rightist sectors, social aid became the fourth biggest federal expense, behind the undefeatable social security, education and health – which was stagnant in the period.
Previamente considerado como uma segunda área, desagradando setores de esquerda e de direita, a assistência social tornou-se a quarta maior despesa federal, atrás da inderrotável previdência social, educação e saúde – as quais estiveram estagnadas no período.

As a proportion of the government’s revenues, social aid – which includes benefits for people with low income without the counterpart of social contribution – surpassed traditional sectors, such as defense, labor support and the entire judiciary system in the past decade.
Como proporção das receitas do governo, a assistência social – a qual inclui benefícios para pessoas com baixa renda sem a contrapartida da contribuição social – superou setores tradicionais tais como defesa, suporte ao trabalho e todo sistema judiciário na década passada.

During the Workers Party (PT) administration, assistant expenses, comprised of the Bolsa Familia and benefits for elders and the handicapped, rose from 3.2% to 9.2% of the government’s current net revenue (the permanent revenue, after payments to states and cities and other resource sources).
Durante a administração do Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT), as despesas com assistência, formada do Bolsa Família e benefícios para mais velhos e deficientes, aumentaram de 3,2% para 9,2% da receita líquida corrente do governo (a receita permanente, após o pagamentos para os estados e municípios e outros fontes de recursos).

In currency outlays, it is better to compare the R$ 13.9 billion (US$ 6.43 billion) spent in 2004 (US$ 10 billion in current values), when all the program’s expenses were first classified as assistance, to the US$ 31.5 billion scheduled for 2014.
Nos gastos em moeda, é melhor comparar R$ 13,9 bilhões (6,43 bilhões de dólares) gastos em 2004 (10 bilhões de dólares em valores atuais), quando todos os programas de despesas foram primeiro classificados como assistência, para 31,5 bilhões de dólares agendados para 2014.

The amount tripled not only because of the Bolsa Familia program, which rose from US$ 3.47 billion to US$ 11.4 billion. But it was the program that made that kind of expense a federal priority.
A quantia triplicou não somente por causa do programa Bolsa Família, o qual aumentou de 3,47 bilhões de dólares para 11,4 bilhões de dólares. Mas ele foi o programa que fez desse tipo de despesa a prioridade federal.

Since then, the status of social aid changed from a simple temporary gift to underprivileged families. A ministry, technicians, statistics (lightly contaminated by the election reading) were put together for the area as it became a protagonist in the political debate.
Desde então, o “status” da assistência social mudou de um simples presente temporário para famílias não privilegiadas; Um ministério, técnicos, estatísticos (levemente contaminado pelas eleições) foram colocados juntos para a área enquanto ele se tornou um protagonista no debate político.

There are still accusations of paternalism and abandoning hopes for social transformation, but no relevant political power in Brazil considers ending the current assistance system. Even old pleas for an exit for the Bolsa Familia program seem to have been forgotten.
Há ainda acusações de paternalismo e abandono das esperanças de transformação social, mas nenhum poder político relevante no Brasil considera acabar com o sistema de assistência atual. Mesmo os apelos antigos para uma saída para o programa Bolsa Família parecem terem sidos esquecidos.

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