Senado e Câmara dos Deputados – Eleições americanas de 2016

Oi pessoal,

Um dos assuntos atuais que tem uma grande probabilidade de cair em qualquer concurso são as eleições americanas de 2016, pela sua importância e repercussão a nível mundial. Mas, destaco especialmente esse texto para os concursos do Senado Federal e Câmara dos Deputados, por ter vocabulário pertinente a esses certames. Para acessar as aulas demonstrativas gratuitas e os cursos de Inglês para o Senado Federal, Câmara dos Deputados e outros que ministro, clique no link abaixo.

 Cursos de Inglês – Ena Smith


The Republican nominee

Fear trumps hope


Donald Trump is going to be the Republican candidate for the presidency. This is terrible news for Republicans, America and the world


May 7th 2016 | NEW YORK


WHEREVER the eye falls in Donald Trump’s Manhattan office, on the 26th floor of Trump Tower, there is Trump. Images of the tycoon glower from walls plastered with covers of Playboy, GQ, Newsweek and more. Piles of campaign literature—“Trump—Make America Great Again!”—jostle with stacks of more recent Trump-fronted publications on a desk so packed as to recall a dentist’s waiting room. A mound of Trump-covered copies of The Economist has pride of place: “I put you up front,” he says solicitously.


The pride Mr Trump takes in such self-aggrandising trumpery is almost touching. His Aladdin’s cave of celebrity puff, which doubles as the headquarters of a presidential campaign and large property company, is sufficiently eccentric to recall why his candidacy, announced at Trump Tower last June, was at first ridiculed. He looked like a chancer—a reality television star, with no serious political experience, who had changed his political stripes at least four times. Yet Mr Trump’s victory in Indiana on May 3rd has made him the presumptive Republican nominee. His remaining opponents, Senator Ted Cruz and Governor John Kasich, have quit the race. He was for far too long underestimated. The same must not be said of the threat his egomania and pernicious nativism represents to America and the world.


His electoral success is founded on espousing a view of America both exceptionally bleak and widely shared. Two-thirds of Americans think the economy is rigged in favour of the rich; almost seven in ten believe their politicians don’t care about ordinary Americans. It is not hard to see why. Until the recent fall in the oil price, median real wages had been stagnant for over a decade. Between 2007 and 2014 the wages of many workers declined; the lowest-paid, struggling to adapt to falling demand for low-skilled factory labour, have been especially hard-hit. America’s infrastructure is crumbling. Its Middle Eastern policy has seen wars waged across the region. Terrorism—though it claimed fewer American lives last year than toddlers with guns—has become a national bogeyman.


Trump against Clinton: the general election is shaping up to be hot and ugly. There appears to be little prospect of Mr Trump moderating his positions, by lurching to the more ameliorative centre that Republican leaders—fearing electoral annihilation—recommend. Whether he believes in his positions or not, they are mostly too extreme to be credibly revised. Apparently vindicated by his success in the primaries, Mr Trump seems to have little interest in changing tack. That also goes for his aggressive, often offensive methods. Turning to Mrs Clinton, his one-time wedding guest, the presumptive Republican nominee is disdainful. “She’s playing the woman card. That’s all she’s got going. She’s got nothing else going. The only thing she’s got is the woman card. And she plays it to the hilt,” fumes Mr Trump, whom 70% of American women dislike.






The Republican nominee

O candidato Republicano


Fear trumps hope

O medo vence a esperança


Donald Trump is going to be the Republican candidate for the presidency. This is terrible news for Republicans, America and the world

Donald Trump será o candidato republicano para a presidência. Esta é uma notícia terrível para os republicanos, para os Estados Unidos e para o mundo


May 7th 2016 | NEW YORK

7 de Maio de 2016 – Nova Iorque


WHEREVER the eye falls in Donald Trump’s Manhattan office, on the 26th floor of Trump Tower, there is Trump. Images of the tycoon glower from walls plastered with covers of Playboy, GQ, Newsweek and more. Piles of campaign literature—“Trump—Make America Great Again!”—jostle with stacks of more recent Trump-fronted publications on a desk so packed as to recall a dentist’s waiting room. A mound of Trump-covered copies of The Economist has pride of place: “I put you up front,” he says solicitously.


Onde quer que se olhe para o  escritório de Donald Trump em Manhattan, no 26º andar da Torre Trump, se vê Donald Trump. Imagens do magnata com olhar penetrante estão nas paredes rebocadas com capas da Playboy, GQ, Newsweek e muitas outras. Pilhas de literatura de campanha “Trump – Vamos Fazer os Estados Unidos ser Grande Novamente!” – disputam com pilhas de publicações mais recentes de Trump, em uma mesa tão cheia que relembra a sala de espera de um dentista. Um monte de cópias da revista The Economist com Trump na capa tem um lugar de honra: “Eu as coloco na frente”, diz ele, solícito.


The pride Mr Trump takes in such self-aggrandising trumpery is almost touching. His Aladdin’s cave of celebrity puff, which doubles as the headquarters of a presidential campaign and large property company, is sufficiently eccentric to recall why his candidacy, announced at Trump Tower last June, was at first ridiculed. He looked like a chancer—a reality television star, with no serious political experience, who had changed his political stripes at least four times. Yet Mr Trump’s victory in Indiana on May 3rd has made him the presumptive Republican nominee. His remaining opponents, Senator Ted Cruz and Governor John Kasich, have quit the race. He was for far too long underestimated. The same must not be said of the threat his egomania and pernicious nativism represents to America and the world.


O orgulho que Trump demonstra em tal  inútil auto-engrandecimento é quase comovente. A sua caverna de  Aladdin de promoção de celebridade, que funciona como a sede de uma campanha presidencial e grande empresa de propriedade, é suficientemente excêntrica para lembrar por que sua candidatura, anunciada na Trump Tower em junho passado, foi a princípio ridicularizada. Ele parecia um aproveitador – uma estrela de televisão da realidade, sem experiência política séria, que tinha mudado seus matizes políticos, pelo menos, quatro vezes. No entanto, a vitória de Trump em Indiana em 3 de maio fez dele o candidato republicano. Seus adversários restantes, o senador Ted Cruz e o governador John Kasich, pararam a corrida. Ele foi por muito tempo subestimado. O mesmo não pode ser dito sobre a ameaça que sua egomania e pernicioso nativismo representa para os Estados Unidos e para o mundo.


His electoral success is founded on espousing a view of America both exceptionally bleak and widely shared. Two-thirds of Americans think the economy is rigged in favour of the rich; almost seven in ten believe their politicians don’t care about ordinary Americans. It is not hard to see why. Until the recent fall in the oil price, median real wages had been stagnant for over a decade. Between 2007 and 2014 the wages of many workers declined; the lowest-paid, struggling to adapt to falling demand for low-skilled factory labour, have been especially hard-hit. America’s infrastructure is crumbling. Its Middle Eastern policy has seen wars waged across the region. Terrorism—though it claimed fewer American lives last year than toddlers with guns—has become a national bogeyman.


Seu sucesso eleitoral baseia-se na defesa de uma visão dos Estados Unidos excepcionalmente fria e amplamente compartilhada. Dois terços dos americanos acham que a economia é manipulada em favor dos ricos; quase sete em cada dez acreditam que seus políticos não se preocupam com os americanos comuns. Não é difícil perceber porquê. Até a recente queda do preço do petróleo, os salários reais médios tinham sido estagnados há mais de uma década. Entre 2007 e 2014, os salários de muitos trabalhadores diminuiram; aqueles com os mais baixos salários, na luta para se adaptar à queda da demanda por mão de obra de fábrica de baixa qualificação, foram especialmente duramente atingidos. A infra-estrutura dos Estados Unidos está se desintegrando. Sua política no Oriente Médio tem visto guerras travadas em toda a região. O terrorismo, embora tenha tirado menos vidas de americanos no ano passado do que de crianças com pistolas – tornou-se um bicho-papão nacional.


Trump against Clinton: the general election is shaping up to be hot and ugly. There appears to be little prospect of Mr Trump moderating his positions, by lurching to the more ameliorative centre that Republican leaders—fearing electoral annihilation—recommend. Whether he believes in his positions or not, they are mostly too extreme to be credibly revised. Apparently vindicated by his success in the primaries, Mr Trump seems to have little interest in changing tack. That also goes for his aggressive, often offensive methods. Turning to Mrs Clinton, his one-time wedding guest, the presumptive Republican nominee is disdainful. “She’s playing the woman card. That’s all she’s got going. She’s got nothing else going. The only thing she’s got is the woman card. And she plays it to the hilt,” fumes Mr Trump, whom 70% of American women dislike.



Donald Trump contra Hillary Clinton: a eleição geral está se moldando para ser exaltada e ofensiva. Parece haver pouca perspectiva de que Trump modere suas posições, por cambalear para o centro mais benéfico que os líderes republicanos recomendam, por estarem tementes de aniquilação eleitoral. Se ele acredita em suas posições ou não, elas são na sua maioria muito radicais para ser credivelmente reformuladas. Aparentemente justificado pelo seu sucesso nas primárias, Trump parece ter pouco interesse em mudar de rumo. Isso também vale para os seus agressivos métodos, muitas vezes ofensivos. Referindo-se a Hillary, uma ex- convidada de casamento, o candidato republicano é desdenhoso. “Ela está jogando a carta “ser mulher”. Isso é tudo que ela tem. Ela não faz nada mais que isso. A única coisa que ela tem é a carta “ser mulher”. E ela a joga com tudo”, enfurece-se Trump, de quem 70% das mulheres americanas não gosta.


Aqui estão algumas das palavras do texto em destaque para os concursos do Senado Federal e Câmara dos Deputados: nominee, tycoon, headquarters, quit, race, wages, struggling, fear, etc. Deixe seu feedback fazendo um comentário abaixo, para que eu possa avaliar que tipos de artigos publicar a fim de ajudar nas necessidades dos alunos.


Abraços e bons estudos,


Profa. Ena Smith

Ena Smith

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