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The River Thames is the busiest inland waterway in the United Kingdom, carrying 60% of all goods lifted on the UK’s inland waterway network. Latest Department for Transport statistics (2013) show over five million tonnes of freight were transported on the Thames, up 62% on the year before. This helps keep over 265,000 lorry movements a year off London’s congested roads.
We support this important use of the river through our expert staff advising operators on the development of river freight transport projects and associated land development issues. Our harbourmasters spend a significant time assessing the operational and safety aspects of proposed services.
There is continued potential for further growth in freight and passenger traffic on the River Thames. We continue to help people make the most of this potential, ensuring that the any plans can safely be accommodated on the already busy river. We strongly supported the “safeguarded wharves” policy of the current and previous Mayors, which protects 50 wharves within Greater London.
This has involved spending considerable time and money reactivating unused wharves and financially underwriting a compulsory purchase order. Studies have shown that movement of freight by water is better for the environment.
Transporte aquaviário de carga no Rio Tamisa
The River Thames is the busiest inland waterway in the United Kingdom, carrying 60% of all goods lifted on the UK’s inland waterway network. Latest Department for Transport statistics (2013) show over five million tonnes of freight were transported on the Thames, up 62% on the year before. This helps keep over 265,000 lorry movements a year off London’s congested roads.
O rio Tâmisa é o mais movimentado das águas continentais no Reino Unido, transportando 60% de todos os produtos embarcados em rede de vias navegáveis do Reino Unido. Os dados mais recentes do Departamento de Estatísticas dos Transportes (2013) mostram que mais de cinco milhões de toneladas de carga foram transportadas no Tâmisa, até 62% sobre o ano anterior. Isso ajuda a manter mais de 265.000 veículos pesados fora das estradas congestionadas de Londres a cada ano.
We support this important use of the river through our expert staff advising operators on the development of river freight transport projects and associated land development issues. Our harbor masters spend a significant time assessing the operational and safety aspects of proposed services.
Apoiamos este importante uso do rio por meio de nossa equipe de operadores especialistas em orientação no desenvolvimento de projetos de transporte de carga do rio e solução dos problemas de desenvolvimento da terra associados. Nossos capitanias marítimas passam um tempo significativo fazendo avaliação dos aspectos operacionais e de segurança dos serviços propostos.
There is continued potential for further growth in freight and passenger traffic on the River Thames. We continue to help people make the most of this potential, ensuring that the any plans can safely be accommodated on the already busy river. We strongly supported the “safeguarded wharves” policy of the current and previous Mayors, which protects 50 wharves within Greater London.
Há um potencial crescente de crescimento no tráfego de carga e passageiros no rio Tamisa. Continuamos a ajudar as pessoas a tirar o máximo proveito deste potencial, garantindo que os planos de qualquer podem seguramente ser acomodados no rio já ocupado. Apoiamos fortemente a política de “cais salvaguardados” dos atuais e anteriores Prefeitos, que protege 50 dos cais na Grande Londres.
This has involved spending considerable time and money reactivating unused wharves and financially underwriting a compulsory purchase order. Studies have shown that movement of freight by water is better for the environment.
Isto envolveu gastar considerável tempo e dinheiro reativando cais não utilizados e financeiramente assinar um pedido de compra obrigatória. As pesquisas têm demonstrado que o movimento de transporte de mercadorias por água é melhor para o ambiente.
See you,
Ena Smith
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