Categorias: Concursos Públicos

Texto para o AFT

Oi gente,


Tenho recebido e-mails de pedido e de incentivo para
escrever artigos como esse voltados para os concursos que se aproximam, um
deles é o AFT, então vamos hoje analisar esse interessante texto que extrai do
site da ILO:

Fighting disability from within

Indonesia’s law states that disabled people must make up
at least one per cent of a company’s workforce. As some garment
factories employ over 100,000 people, the challenge is not an easy one.
But now the law has found a new ally.

– mão-de-obra

Garment – roupa, vestuário

Employ – empregar

Ally – aliado

Feature | 03 December 2012


GENEVA (ILO News) – Angela Friska started suffering
from asthma when she was 8. Her parents soon discovered that the strong
medication was affecting her hearing ability, as they had to constantly
repeat their words to her.
By the age of 10, Angela was deaf.


Ability – habilidade, capacidade

Deaf – surdo(a), deficiente auditivo

The situation shattered her selfconfidence.
School became a daily torment. Things
did not improve when she went to university. It took her six years to complete
a four-year bachelor thesis in technological engineering. “Imagining the
examination itself was enough to make me panic. And even if I passed the test,
what would I then do? Which company would be willing to recruit an employee
like me?” she now says.

Shatter – estilhaçar, quebrar em

Self-confidence –  auto-confiança

Life change

Her life began to
change when she volunteered to evacuate victims of the 2006 earthquake in
Yogyakarta, on the island of Java. She not only discovered herself and
her capacities, but also became aware that she could help others.

Herself – ela mesma

Aware – ciente, consciente, informado

Disabled people should be able to adapt to non-disabled people, and I trust they

Disabled – desabilitado, incapacitado, inválido

“Most of the
victims had broken bones. We carried them to a safer place where they
could wait for medical treatment, “ she remembers. Later, she found a job
in the IT department of one Indonesia’s largest media groups (Femina).

Safer – mais seguro

Job – trabalho, emprego

Her colleagues in
the office were aware of her condition and accepted her different needs.
Communication through telephone has now been replaced with e-mail. Now
Friska has joined Better Work Indonesia, a joint programme of the ILO
and the International Finance Corporation, as a consultant for the programme’s
disability component.

Need – necessidade

Replace – substituir, trocar

Joint –associado,
cooperação, junta

Her job will be to
raise awareness among the entrepreneurs in the garment industry
and encourage them to provide more job opportunities for disabled people. Over
the next months, she will accompany Better Work’s enterprise advisors to
factories to discuss with management and worker committees how to hire
more people with disabilities and to ensure that factories are in compliance
with Indonesian law.

Awareness – percepção,
noção, conhecimento, consciência

Entrepreneur – empresário,


Management – gestão, administração

Hire – empregar



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Abraços e bons

Ena Smith

Ena Smith

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