Categorias: Concursos Públicos

Texto e Vocabulário concursos CESPE

Oi pessoal, como estão os estudos?


Quem está se preparando para a Câmara dos Deputados e para o TCE/ES,
está chegando a hora…as provas serão próximo fim de semana, então hoje trago
mais vocábulos em um texto pertinente à terminologia do legislativo, o assunto
é da hora: eleições americanas.


president’s got his work cut out for him here. It’s not one to be marked over
into his column by any stretch of the imagination,” said Rob Tully,
a former Iowa state party chairman. “But this state could
easily go back into the president’s column if there’s commonsense decisions
made between now and November.”


stretch – trecho, alongar,
esticar, distensão

former chairman – ex-presidente


were countering Obama on multiple fronts. Ahead of Obama’s visit, Iowa Gov.
Terry Branstad, a Republican, called the president’s tax plan another attempt
to “divide people one against another based on class warfare.
The very people we need to invest and create jobs are afraid to because they’re
afraid their taxes are going up.”


class warfare
–  luta de classes


Reince Priebus,
the chairman of the Republican National Committee, was shadowing Obama
in Cedar Rapids with a news conference where he planned to accuse the president
of wasting taxpayer money on stimulus programs that he said created jobs
overseas. It aimed to rebut criticism from Democrats that Romney’s former
private equity firm did business with companies that shifted jobs to lowerwage
countries to cut costs.


shadow – seguir,

taxpayer– contribuinte

shift– mudar, mover

lowerwage – salário
mais baixo


Romney was
holding fundraisers in Colorado and planned to discuss energy policies
on Tuesday in Grand Junction, Colo., an oil town in the western part of the
state. The former Massachusetts governor held a closed-door fundraiser
Monday night in Aspen, where between 300 and 400 guests gave about $2.4
million, according to the campaign.

Guests in
Ferraris, Bentleys and Porsches drove down a private gravel road
past a horse ranch to valet park outside the sprawling stone private home.
Romney’s staff set up speakers blaring music outside of the tent
set up in the backyard, noise that prevented reporters on the public sidewalk
outside from hearing any of Romney’s remarks.

Romney’s event
in Grand Junction carried some symbolic meaning. It was the site of an August
2009 Obama rally where he focused on selling his national health care
plan to the American people.

Hunt reported
from Aspen, Colo. Associated Press writer Thomas Beaumont contributed from Des
Moines, Iowa.


fundraiser – arrecadação/levantamento de fundos,
captação de recursos

gravel roadestrada
de cascalho

staff – equipe de pessoal, funcionários

(barulho alto)

remark– comentário, observação

rally – comício


semana foi publicado mais um edital de um concurso CESPE, para a CAPES. São 63
vagas para o cargo 1 que exige nível superior em qualquer área e 70 vagas para
o cargo 2, haverá prova de Inglês para nível superior e também nível médio
cargo 5. Aqui no Estratégia já começou o curso de Língua Inglesa específico
para o CAPES. Clique acima no link cursos e veja a demonstrativa.



abraço e bons estudos!


Ena Smith

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