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Texto e Tradução para OFCHAN ( Ministério das Relações Exteriores )

Olá pessoal,

O curso de Inglês para OFCHAN já está no site com três aulas disponíveis. Sugiro que procurem ler assuntos atuais e aqueles que falem de política exterior. Trago abaixo um texto bem atual, que trata dos ataques na França e da reunião do G20.

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Abraço e bons estudos,

Profa. Ena Smith



G20 to discuss threat of Isis infiltrators among EU migrants after Paris attacks


Fears of Isis capability to bring terror to western cities loom over talks after it emerged one attacker had a Syrian passport flagged as arriving in Greece

World leaders have begun meeting in Turkey to discuss the effect of the refugee crisis on European security after terrorist attacks in Paris left 129 dead and several hundred injured.

Islamic State claimed responsibility for a string of coordinated gun attacks and suicide bombings in the French capital on Friday. Seven extremists opened fire on restaurants, bars and a concert hall, and detonated suicide vests near the Stade de France in the deadliest attack on European soil in more than a decade.

The French president, François Hollande, is the only major political figure absent from the G20 summit on Sunday as he oversees the heightened security operations in Paris. He is also expected to take part in the three days of official mourning.

In his absence, the G20 have started to discuss the threat of Isis infiltrators among EU migrants and refugees, an issue that was thrown into the spotlight on Saturday after it emerged at least one the attackers was found with a Syrian passport flagged as arriving in Greece on a typical refugee route. It has not been confirmed whether the passport is genuine.

More than 250,000 people have been killed in Syria in clashes between rebels and forces loyal to Assad. Eleven million people have been uprooted from their homes, sparking a massive migration crisis in Europe that is also expected to be on the agenda at the G20 meeting.

All the leaders at the summit know that any action against Isis is likely to lead to retaliation: France has been targeted due to its forward role against Isis, including its air bombing campaign, and the Russian airliner downed over Sinai was attacked after Moscow intervened in Syria.

So Obama has authorised airstrikes and sent small teams of special forces acting as advisers to aid Iraqi military units, Syrian rebels and Kurdish fighters on the ground, some of whom have been making strides in recent days in pushing back Isis in Iraq.





G20 to discuss threat of Isis infiltrators among EU migrants after Paris attacks


A cúpula do G20 discutirá ameaça de infiltração do Isis entre os emigrantes na UE depois dos ataques em Paris


Fears of Isis capability to bring terror to western cities loom over talks after it emerged one attacker had a Syrian passport flagged as arriving in Greece


Temores da capacidade do Isis de causar terror nas cidades ocidentais paira sobre as negociações depois da revelação de que um atacante tinha passaporte sírio ao chegar na Grécia

World leaders have begun meeting in Turkey to discuss the effect of the refugee crisis on European security after terrorist attacks in Paris left 129 dead and several hundred injured.


Os líderes mundiais começaram a reunir-se na Turquia para discutir os efeitos da crise de refugiados na segurança da Europa depois que os ataques terroristas em Paris deixaram 129 mortos e várias centenas de feridos.


Islamic State claimed responsibility for a string of coordinated gun attacks and suicide bombings in the French capital on Friday. Seven extremists opened fire on restaurants, bars and a concert hall, and detonated suicide vests near the Stade de France in the deadliest attack on European soil in more than a decade.


O Estado Islâmico reivindicou a responsabilidade por uma série de coordenados ataques armados e atentados suicidas na capital francesa na sexta-feira. Sete extremistas abriram fogo contra restaurantes, bares e uma sala de concertos, e detonaram coletes suicidas perto do Stade de France no ataque mais mortal em solo europeu, em mais de uma década.


The French president, François Hollande, is the only major political figure absent from the G20 summit on Sunday as he oversees the heightened security operations in Paris. He is also expected to take part in the three days of official mourning.

O presidente francês, François Hollande, é a única grande figura política ausente da cúpula do G20 no domingo, visto que ele supervisiona o reforço das operações de segurança em Paris. Espera-se também que ele participe nos três dias de luto oficial.

In his absence, the G20 have started to discuss the threat of Isis infiltrators among EU migrants and refugees, an issue that was thrown into the spotlight on Saturday after it emerged at least one the attackers was found with a Syrian passport flagged as arriving in Greece on a typical refugee route. It has not been confirmed whether the passport is genuine.

Na ausência dele, o G20 já começou a discutir a ameaça de infiltrados do Isis entre os emigrantes e refugiados da União Europeia, um assunto que foi trazido à atenção no sábado depois que foi revelado que pelo menos um dos atacantes foi encontrado com um passaporte sírio ao chegar na Grécia em uma típica rota de refugiados. Não foi confirmado se o passaporte é genuíno.

More than 250,000 people have been killed in Syria in clashes between rebels and forces loyal to Assad. Eleven million people have been uprooted from their homes, sparking a massive migration crisis in Europe that is also expected to be on the agenda at the G20 meeting.

Mais de 250.000 pessoas foram mortas na Síria em confrontos entre rebeldes e forças leais a Assad. Onze milhões de pessoas foram arrancadas de seus lares, provocando uma enorme crise de migração na Europa, assunto o qual também se espera estar em pauta na reunião do G20.

All the leaders at the summit know that any action against Isis is likely to lead to retaliation: France has been targeted due to its forward role against Isis, including its air bombing campaign, and the Russian airliner downed over Sinai was attacked after Moscow intervened in Syria.

Todos os líderes na cúpula sabem que qualquer ação contra o Isis é susceptível de retaliação: a França tem sido alvo devido ao seu papel contra o Isis, incluindo a sua campanha de bombardeio aéreo, e o avião russo derrubado sobre o Sinai foi atacado depois que Moscou interveio na Síria.

 So Obama has authorised airstrikes and sent small teams of special forces acting as advisers to aid Iraqi military units, Syrian rebels and Kurdish fighters on the ground, some of whom have been making strides in recent days in pushing back Isis in Iraq.


Obama então tem autorizado ataques aéreos e enviado pequenas equipes de forças especiais que agem como consultores para auxiliar as unidades militares iraquianas, os rebeldes sírios e combatentes curdos no local, alguns dos quais têm vindo a fazer progresso nos últimos dias em combater o Isis no Iraque.

Ena Smith

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