Concursos Públicos

Simulado de Inglês para o concurso da ANAC – Parte 1

Hi class,

Está chegando a hora, praticamente duas semanas para a prova do concurso da ANAC. E nada melhor nesse momento do que um simulado para “esquentar as turbinas”. Eu encontrei esse artigo no Economist, que é uma das publicações mais usadas pela ESAF para elaborar provas de Inglês. Vi que o artigo tem tudo a ver com a ANAC e é bem atual, foi publicado há duas semanas. Então, não resisti e preparei esse simulado com muito carinho para vocês.

Sintam-se como se já estivessem na hora da prova, procurei colocar bem similar ao padrão ESAF, usando verbos que ela sempre usa e seguindo o formato das questões. Resolvi publicar aqui na área dos artigos para que todos possam ter acesso; tanto os alunos presentes como os futuros. Aproveitem para fazer uma autoanálise !!! Se não se sair bem, ainda dá tempo de estudar. Para acessar o curso de Língua Inglesa para o concurso da ANAC, clique aqui

Para checar meus outros cursos clique aqui

No próximo artigo estão os comentários. Não caia na tentação de olhar as respostas antes. Do contrário não tem como você se autoavaliar.

Abraços e bons estudos,

Profa. Ena Smith


For questions 01 through 4, choose the best answer in accordance with Text below.

Laser pens and planes: A pointed problem

Feb 15th 2016, BY B.R.

LASER pointers can be handy. Backyard astronomers use them to point out constellations on the vault of the heavens; management consultants to highlight their wisdom on a whiteboard. They are less popular with pilots. On Sunday a Virgin Atlantic flight, “six or seven miles” into its journey from Heathrow to New York, was forced to turn back after one of the crew complained of a “medical issue” after a laser was shone into his cockpit.

Although such attacks rarely divert planes from their paths, laser-related incidents have become common. According to the Civil Aviation Authority there were 1,440 reports of lasers being pointed at planes in Britain in 2014, the last full year for which there are data. That compares with 746 in 2009. It is not only a problem in Britain: 312 British planes were targeted overseas in 2014. And in America there were 3,894 cases in 2014.

The rise in attacks has coincided with high-powered lasers becoming cheaper. For less than £10 ($14), it is now possible to buy a gadget that purports to have a range of several miles. You might think that pinpointing a tiny cockpit from such a distance would be impossible without military-grade equipment. But a laser beam diverges as it propagates. On a standard pointer, at a distance of 1km, the beam would be half a metre wide by the time it reaches a plane. And the beam does not have to be locked in position to do damage. The problem is not caused by the laser being pointed directly into a pilot’s eye, but from the beam dispersing on the windshield. This causes a brief, dazzling flash and can lead to momentary “flash blindness”. The British Airline Pilots’ Association (BALPA), says that 55% of its members have experienced a laser attack in the past 12 months; 4% have suffered six or more. It has long called for lasers to be classified as offensive weapons.

1- According to paragraph 1, laser pointers

  1. a) haven’t been threatening and hazardous.
  2. b) may still be menacing.
  3. c) have dazzled dozens of private flyers.
  4. d) can be wielded by dilettante stargazers.
  5. e) will never give rise to mar in airplane’s cockpits.

2- Currently, it can be said that laser-related incidents in airplanes

  1. a) happen once in a blue moon.
  2. b) are unusual.
  3. c) occur hardly ever.
  4. d) take place few and far between.
  5. e) have increased at an alarming rate.

3- According to the Civil Aviation Authority, reports of lasers being pointed at planes

  1. a) raised everywhere.
    b) have been sluggish since 2009 in Britain.
  2. c) have soared in five years in Britain.
  3. d) have shrunk in the United States.
  4. e) show that British aircrafts have never been struck.


4- According to the British Airline Pilots’ Association, the laser attacks

  1. a) have struck more than a half of its members.
  2. b) must increase in 45%.
  3. c) have dropped last year.
  4. d) might have affected a handful of pilots.
  5. e) should have surged in the last 12 months.
Ena Smith

Ver comentários

  • Obrigado pelo simulado professora, realmente estava precisando.

    Quando teremos acesso ao resultado do simulado?

  • Olá professora, sou sua aluna do IBGE e como vc indicou lá no nosso curso, fiz esse simulado mesmo sendo ANAC. Mas foi ótimo! Tá super valendo.. Obrigada! Aproveito para falar que suas aulas são ótimas, super práticas, e me ajudam muito! Quando saberemos o gabarito desse simulado? Grata, Paula.

    • Obrigada Paula !! São alunos como você que nos encorajam a continuar fazendo um trabalho cada vez melhor.
      O gabarito do simulado está no artigo que segue.


      Profa. Ena Smith

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