Oi gente,
Falou em Prova de Língua Inglesa para a Receita, nos vem a mente o que?? The Economist !
É…geralmente essa publicação britânica é a eleita pela ESAF, para elaborar a prova de Língua Inglesa. Then, lá veio eu novamente com outro artigo diferente da revista citada. Vamos treinar !! Vou dar a resposta agora não…just tomorrow ! ;)
Female construction workers in Brazil
Building new lives
DEISE GRAVINA, an engineer by training, had long dreamed of getting women onto Brazils building sites. But on a continent known for its machismo, that dream seemed far from reality. Though (as we report in this week’s print edition) Brazilian women have been qualifying as engineers, architects and the like for some decades now, most of them ended up in desk jobs. Female manual labourers were even shorter on the ground.
But about five years ago Ms Gravina talked to women whose children attended a family shelter, the Maria Imaculada, close to some of Rios most notorious favelas, about what they wanted from life. They told her that the courses in manicure and hairdressing that they were being offered were of little use, since they would not be able to find such work locally. Meanwhile construction workers pay was rising fast, and employers were complaining about labour shortages. The time for Brazilian women to don hard hats, it seemed, had finally arrived.
Fonte: Adapted : The Economist, July 3rd 2012.
E então
consegue traduzir esse trecho do artigo?? E as palavras abaixo??
Don shortage meanwhile able shelter ground labourer seem desk job building
Mais artigos do The Economist como esse, recentes, com tradução e exercícios pertinentes vocês encontram no curso para a Receita aqui no site do Estratégia. A possibilidade de alguns desses cair na prova é grande…fiquem espertos…;) e cliquem no link abaixo:
See you tomorrow,
Ena Smith
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