To distance themselves from Eike Batista, company names will lose the ‘X’
LLX, the Brazilian logistics company, will change its name and command. Eike Batista will continue as a shareholder, but the new controller, the American group EIG, wants to disassociate the future of the enterprise from the name of the entrepreneur.
The first transformation will be done on the branding. This had previously done with MPX, which was renamed Eneva after the entry by the German energy utility E.ON. Folha has learned that the company will be renamed Açu Logistics, a reference to the Açu Port in Rio de Janiero, the sole asset of the company.
The oil company OGX will also be renamed after bankruptcy protection. One option could be Brazil Oil, but that has yet to be decided.
Fonte: http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/internacional/en/business/2013/10/1361338-to-distance-themselves-from-eike-batista-company-names-will-lose-the-x.shtml
Tradução Livre
To distance themselves from Eike Batista, company names will lose the ‘X’
Para distanciar a si próprios de Eike Batista, nomes das companhias perderão o “X”
LLX, the Brazilian logistics company, will change its name and command. Eike Batista will continue as a shareholder, but the new controller, the American group EIG, wants to disassociate the future of the enterprise from the name of the entrepreneur.
LLX, a companhia de logística brasileira, mudará seu nome e comando. Eike Batista continuará como um acionista, mas o novo controlador, o grupo americano EIG, quer desassociar o futuro do empreendimento do nome do empreendedor.
The first transformation will be done on the branding. This had previously done with MPX, which was renamed Eneva after the entry by the German energy utility E.ON. Folha has learned that the company will be renamed Açu Logistics, a reference to the Açu Port in Rio de Janiero, the sole asset of the company.
A primeira transformação será feita na marca. Isso foi anteriormente feito com MPX, a qual foi renomeada para Eneva após a entrada da Alemã de energia E.ON. A Folha ficou sabendo que a companhia será renomeada para Açu Logistics, uma referência para o Porto de Açu no Rio de Janeiro, o único recurso da companhia.
The oil company OGX will also be renamed after bankruptcy protection. One option could be Brazil Oil, but that has yet to be decided.
A companhia de óleo OGX também será renomeada após a falência de proteção. Uma opção será Brasil Oil, mas que ainda tem que ser decidido.
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