Categorias: Concursos Públicos

Inglês – Tradução Livre 51/2013 – texto da prova ANS

Texto (prova ANS 2013 – CESPE)

A hospital case

is leading the world in allowing private companies to run public institutions Saint
Goran’s hospital is one of the glories of the Swedish welfare state. It is also
a laboratory for applying business principles to the public sector. The
hospital is run by a private company, Capio, which in turn is run by a consortium
of private-equity funds, including Nordic Capital and Apax Partners. The doctors
and nurses are Capio employees, answerable to a boss and a board.


to health care in post-ideological Sweden. From the patient’s point of view, St
Goran’s is no different from any other public hospital. Treatment is free, after
a nominal charge which is universal in Sweden. St Goran’s gets nearly all its money
from the state. But behind the scenes it has led a revolution in the relationship
between government and business. In the mid-1990s St Goran’s was slated for
closure. Then, in 1999, the Stockholm County Council struck a deal with Capio
to take over the day-to-day operation of the hospital. In 2006 Capio was taken
over by a group of private-equity firms led by Nordic Capital. Stockholm County
Council recently extended Capio’s contract until 2021.


Goran’s is now a temple to “lean management” — an idea that was pioneered by
Toyota in the 1950s and has since spread from car-making to services and from
Japan to the rest of the world. Britta Wallgren, the hospital’s chief executive,
says she never heard the term “lean” when she was at medical school (she is an anaesthetist
by training). Now she hears it all the time.


hospital today is organised on the twin lean principles of “flow” and
“quality”. Doctors and nurses used to keep a professional distance from each
other. Now they work (and sit) together in teams. In the old days people
concentrated solely on their field of medical expertise. Now they are all
responsible for suggesting operational improvements as well.

<> (adapted).


According to the text above, judge the following


The deal made with Capio prevented the hospital from being closed.


Saint Goran’s hospital is the first example of the use of Toyota’s management technique
outside the car-making industry.


Britta Wallgren admits her training as an anaesthetist was inadequate.


The changes implemented in the hospital have encouraged professionals to get
involved in some areas they have not been originally trained for.


Saint Goran’s is a private hospital and a public laboratory.



Tradução Livre

A hospital case

Um caso hospitalar


is leading the world in allowing private companies to run public institutions

A Suécia está liderando o mundo em/ao permitir que companhias
privadas dirijam instituições públicas


Goran’s hospital is one of the glories of the Swedish welfare state. It is also
a laboratory for applying business principles to the public sector. The
hospital is run by a private company, Capio, which in turn is run by a consortium
of private-equity funds, including Nordic Capital and Apax Partners. The doctors
and nurses are Capio employees, answerable to a boss and a board.

O hospital de Saint Goran é uma das glórias do bem-estar sueco.
Ele é também um laboratório para aplicação dos princípios de negócios para o
setor público. O hospital é dirigido por uma companhia privada, Capio, a qual
por seu turno é dirigida por um consórcio de fundos privados, incluindo o
Nordic Capital e Apax Partners. Os médicos e enfermeiras são empregados da
Capio, respondendo para um chefe e uma junta (direção).


to health care in post-ideological Sweden. From the patient’s point of view, St
Goran’s is no different from any other public hospital. Treatment is free, after
a nominal charge which is universal in Sweden. St Goran’s gets nearly all its money
from the state. But behind the scenes it has led a revolution in the relationship
between government and business. In the mid-1990s St Goran’s was slated for
closure. Then, in 1999, the Stockholm County Council struck a deal with Capio
to take over the day-to-day operation of the hospital. In 2006 Capio was taken
over by a group of private-equity firms led by Nordic Capital. Stockholm County
Council recently extended Capio’s contract until 2021.

Bem-vindos aos cuidados da saúde na Suécia pós-ideológica. Do
ponto de vista dos pacientes, o Saint Goran não é diferente de qualquer outro
hospital público. O tratamento é grátis, após uma taxa (preço) nominal que é
universal na Suécia. O Saint Goran pega (recebe) quase todo seu dinheiro do
estado. Mas por atrás das cenas, ele tem levado uma revolução no relacionamento
entre o governo e os empresários. Na metade dos anos 1990 o Saint Goran foi listado
para fechar. Depois, em 1999, o Stockholm County Council acertou um negócio com
a Capio para assumir as operações diárias do hospital. Em 2006, a Capio foi
assumida por um grupo de firmas privadas lideradas por Nordic Capital. O Stockholm
County Council recentemente estendeu o contrato da Capio até 2021.


Goran’s is now a temple to “lean management” — an idea that was pioneered by
Toyota in the 1950s and has since spread from car-making to services and from
Japan to the rest of the world. Britta Wallgren, the hospital’s chief executive,
says she never heard the term “lean” when she was at medical school (she is an anaesthetist
by training). Now she hears it all the time.

O Saint Goran é agora um tempo para “gestão enxuta” – uma ideia
que foi desenvolvida pela Toyota nos anos 1950 e desde então espalhou da
fabricante de carros para serviços do Japão para o resto do mundo. Britta
Wallgren, chefe executiva do hospital, disse que ela nunca ouviu o termo ‘enxuto’
quando ela estava na escola de medicina (ela é uma anestesista de formação).
Agora ela ouve isso todo o tempo.


hospital today is organised on the twin lean principles of “flow” and
“quality”. Doctors and nurses used to keep a professional distance from each
other. Now they work (and sit) together in teams. In the old days people
concentrated solely on their field of medical expertise. Now they are all
responsible for suggesting operational improvements as well.

O hospital hoje é organizado sobre dois princípios enxutos de “fluxo”
e de “qualidade”. Os médicos e enfermeiras usavam manter uma distância
profissional um do outro. Agora eles trabalham (e sentam) juntos em equipes. Nos
dias passados as pessoas concentravam-se somente sobre seu campo de especialização
médica. Agora eles são todos responsáveis por sugerir melhorais operacionais


<> (adapted).


to the text above, judge the following items.

De acordo com o texto acima, julgue os itens seguintes.


The deal made with Capio prevented the hospital from being closed.

O negócio feito com a Capio preveniu o hospital de ser fechado. (CERT0)


Saint Goran’s hospital is the first example of the use of Toyota’s management technique
outside the car-making industry.

O hospital Saint Goran é o primeiro exemplo do uso das técnicas
de gestão (gerenciamento) da Toyota fora da indústria de carros. (ERRADO)


Britta Wallgren admits her training as an anaesthetist was inadequate.

Britta Wallgren admite que seu treinamento como uma anestesista
foi inadequado. (ERRADO)


The changes implemented in the hospital have encouraged professionals to get
involved in some areas they have not been originally trained for.

As mudanças implementadas no hospital tem encorajado
professionais para se envolveram em algumas áreas que eles não foram
originalmente treinados. (CERTO)


Saint Goran’s is a private hospital and a public laboratory.

O Saint Goran é um hospital privado e um laboratório público. (ERRADO)

Adinoél Sebastião

Meu nome é ADINOÉL SEBASTIÃO. Sou formado em Ciências Contábeis pela Fundação Faculdade de Ciências Econômicas de Apucarana-PR (FECEA). Sou Auditor-Fiscal do Trabalho (AFT). Estou lotado em Brasília-DF na Secretaria de Inspeção do Trabalho em Brasília-DF. Fui aprovado no concurso de AFT-2013. Esse concurso, segundo o CESPE, teve 48.035. Fui Analista Tributário da Receita Federal (ATRFB) por mais de 22 anos (1991 a 2013). Sou autor do site "" e sou colaborador com traduções livres de Inglês e de Espanhol em alguns sites de concursos. Já atuei como professor e tutor online da ESAF (aulas de informática, palestras, funcionamento do CAC, etc). Elaborei/elaboro aulas de Espanhol, Inglês e Português para concursos. Possuo vários cursos de formação pessoal, entre eles destaco: curso de Espanhol no Instituto Cervantes da Espanha; curso de Inglês nas escolas FISK; curso online "Mejores Prácticas en la Administración Tributaria, Ed. 9", do Instituto de Estudios Fiscales e da Fundación CEDDET da Espanha.

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