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Exercícios para AFR-SP
The international aviation industry is made up by only
a small number of global players, among which is the Embraer. With 42 years of
existence, Embraer is one of the largest aerospace companies in the world with
operations in several stages of the process: design, development, manufacture,
sale and after-sales support of aircrafts.
Headquartered in São José dos Campos, Embraer has five
plants with activities of engineering, development and manufacture, in São José
dos Campos, Botucatu and Gavião Peixoto, besides two logistics centers in
Taubaté and Campinas. Abroad, the company inaugurated its first industrial unit
in the United States, in the International Airport of Melbourne, in the city of
the same name, in Florida. In addition to that, it is setting up two new
industrial units in the city of Évora, in the Alentejo region, in Portugal.
Embraer also has its own service centers and centers for the sale of spare
parts in São José dos Campos, Fort Lauderdale (Florida, USA), Mesa (Arizona,
USA), Nashville (Tennessee, USA), Windsor Locks (Connecticut, USA), Villepinte,
in France, and in Singapore.
Operating in 95 countries on the five continents, the
company operates in the segments of commercial aviation, executive aviation and
defense and security, and it is the world’s greatest maker of commercial
aircrafts for up to 120 passengers. In the segment of executive aviation, even
with the difficulties faced by the market, Embraer has increased its
participation: in relation to units delivered, the growth went from 14% in 2009
to 19% in 2010. Consolidating its central position in the national industry of
defense material, the company created Embraer Defesa e Segurança (Defense and
Security), which, at the end of 2010, had a backlog of US$ 3.3 billion.
Besides Embraer, the State of São Paulo is also the
home of its main domestic and foreign suppliers. The São Paulo-predominant
character of the Brazilian aeronautical industry is made clear by the
information of the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) for
the sector. In 2009, the State was responsible for 76% of the local units,
97% of the employed staff and 96% of the Value of Industrial Transformation –
VTI of the national aeronautics industry. Another aspect that stands out
refers to foreign trade. The aerospace industry was responsible, in 2010, for
8% of the exports made from São Paulo, whose main market was the European Union
where 36% of the exports went to.
Fonte: Site da
Secretaria de Fazenda do Estado de São Paulo
Tradução Livre
The international aviation industry is made up by only
a small number of global players, among which is the Embraer. With 42 years of
existence, Embraer is one of the largest aerospace companies in the world with
operations in several stages of the process: design, development, manufacture,
sale and after-sales support of aircrafts.
A indústria da aviação internacional é constituída por somente
um pequeno número de jogadores globais, entre os quais está a Embraer. Com 42
anos de existência, a Embraer é uma das maiores companhias aeroespacial no
mundo com operações em muitos estágios do processo: desenho, desenvolvimento,
manufatura (construção), venda e suporte pós-venda de aeronaves.
Headquartered in São José dos Campos, Embraer has five
plants with activities of engineering, development and manufacture, in São José
dos Campos, Botucatu and Gavião Peixoto, besides two logistics centers in
Taubaté and Campinas. Abroad, the company inaugurated its first industrial unit
in the United States, in the International Airport of Melbourne, in the city of
the same name, in Florida. In addition to that, it is setting up two new
industrial units in the city of Évora, in the Alentejo region, in Portugal.
Embraer also has its own service centers and centers for the sale of spare
parts in São José dos Campos, Fort Lauderdale (Florida, USA), Mesa (Arizona,
USA), Nashville (Tennessee, USA), Windsor Locks (Connecticut, USA), Villepinte,
in France, and in Singapore.
Com sede em São José dos Campos, a Embraer tem cinco fábricas
com atividades de engenharia, desenvolvimento e construção, em São José dos
Campos, Botucatu e Gavião Peixoto, além de dois centros de logística em Taubaté
e Campinas. No exterior, a companhia inaugurou sua primeira unidade industrial
nos Estados Unidos, no Aeroporto Internacional de Melbourne, na cidade do mesmo
nome, na Flórida. Em adição a isso, ela está colocando duas novas unidades
industriais na cidade de Évora, na região de Alentejo, em Português. A Embraer
também possui seus próprios centros de serviço para a venda de partes
sobressalentes em São José dos Campos, Fort Lauderdale (Florida, USA), Mesa
(Arizona, USA), Nashville (Tennessee, USA), Windsor Locks (Connecticut, USA),
Villepinte, na França, e em Singapora.
Operating in 95 countries on the five continents, the
company operates in the segments of commercial aviation, executive aviation and
defense and security, and it is the world’s greatest maker of commercial
aircrafts for up to 120 passengers. In the segment of executive aviation, even
with the difficulties faced by the market, Embraer has increased its
participation: in relation to units delivered, the growth went from 14% in 2009
to 19% in 2010. Consolidating its central position in the national industry of
defense material, the company created Embraer Defesa e Segurança (Defense and
Security), which, at the end of 2010, had a backlog of US$ 3.3 billion.
Operando em 95 países sobre os cinco continentes, a companhia
opera nos segmentos de aviação comercial, aviação executiva e aviação de defesa
e segurança, e ela é a melhor fabricante de aeronaves comerciais de até 120
passageiros. No segmento de aviação executiva, a par das dificuldades
enfrentadas pelo mercado, a Embraer tem aumentado sua participação: em relação
às unidades entregues, o crescimento foi de 14% em 2009 e de 19% em 2010.
Consolidando sua posição central na indústria nacional de material de defesa, a
companhia criou a Embraer Defesa e Segurança, a qual, no final de 2010, teve
uma provisão de 3,3 bilhões de dólares.
Besides Embraer, the State of São Paulo
is also the home of its main domestic and foreign suppliers. The São
Paulo-predominant character of the Brazilian aeronautical industry is made
clear by the information of the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and
Statistics) for the sector. In 2009, the State was responsible for 76% of
the local units, 97% of the employed staff and 96% of the Value of Industrial
Transformation – VTI of the national aeronautics industry. Another aspect
that stands out refers to foreign trade. The aerospace industry was
responsible, in 2010, for 8% of the exports made from São Paulo, whose main
market was the European Union where 36% of the exports went to.
Além da Embraer, o Estado de São Paulo é também o local de seus
principais fornecedores nacionais e estrangeiros. O caráter predominante de São
Paulo da indústria aeronáutica brasileira é feito claro (torna-se claro) pela
informação do IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística) para o
setor. Em 2009, o Estado foi responsável por 76% das unidades locais, 97% dos
empregos e 96% do Valor de Transformação Industrial VTI da indústria
aeronáutica nacional. Outro aspecto que se destaca refere-se ao comércio
exterior. A indústria aeroespacial foi responsável, em 2010, por 8% das
exportações de São Paulo, cujo principal mercado foi a União Europeia para onde
foram 36% das exportações.
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