‘Strongly determined’
A recent survey carried out
by the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) found that
multinational firms could exploit gaps between tax rules in the different
countries in which they operate.
The finance ministers of
the UK, France and Germany – George Osborne, Pierre Moscovici and Wolfgang
Schaeuble – said international action was needed to crack down on companies
which transfer profits from their home country to another in order to pay lower
Mr Osborne decried a global
taxation system he said had been guided by principles set out by the League of
Nations in the 1920s, with few changes since.
Fonte: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-21481932
Tradução Livre
‘Strongly determined’
Fortemente determinado
A recent survey carried out
by the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) found that
multinational firms could exploit gaps between tax rules in the different
countries in which they operate.
Uma pesquisa feita pela Organisation
of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) encontrou que as firmas
multinacionais poderiam explorar buracos (brechas) entre as regras tributárias
nos diferentes países nos quais elas operam.
The finance ministers of
the UK, France and Germany – George Osborne, Pierre Moscovici and Wolfgang
Schaeuble – said international action was needed to crack down on companies
which transfer profits from their home country to another in order to pay lower
Os ministros das finanças do Reino Unido, França e Alemanha – George Osborne, Pierre Moscovici and
Wolfgang Schaeuble disseram que a ação foi necessária para sancionar
(crack down) companhias que transferem lucros de seu país para outra a fim de
pagar menos tributos.
Mr Osborne decried a global
taxation system he said had been guided by principles set out by the League of
Nations in the 1920s, with few changes since.
O Senhor Osborne depreciou o
sistema global de tributação, ele disse ter sido guiado pelos princípios
colocados pela Liga das Nações nos anos 1920, com poucas mudanças desde então.
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