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Profa. Ena Smith
ISIS may have saved the A-10
January 22, 2016
By Brad Lendon, CNN
ISIS seems determined to destroy much of what’s in its path as it tries to conquer more territory in Iraq, Syria and elsewhere, but it may have inadvertently saved a fleet of U.S. Air Force jets.
Gen. David Goldfein, the Air Force’s vice chief of staff, tells Defense News the rise of the Islamic State and the U.S. air campaign to fight it has prompted the service to reconsider plans to retire the A-10 ground attack jets, which first joined the Air Force fleet in 1975.
The Air Force’s version of the F-35 will eventually replace the A-10 Thunderbolt, but those new jets are just coming online and are not battle tested like the A-10, which has seen combat in Iraq, Afghanistan and recently in Syria against ISIS — also known as ISIL.
When we made the decision on retiring the A-10, we made those decisions prior to ISIL, we were not in Iraq, we were coming out of Afghanistan to a large extent, we didn’t have a resurgent Russia,” Goldfein said in an interview on “Defense News with Vago Muradian,” scheduled for broadcast this weekend, according to the Defense News website.
Goldfein’s office confirmed the general’s remarks to CNN.
The revelation came a week after a report was published on the Defense One website in which Pentagon officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said retirement of the A-10, nicknamed the “Warthog,” would not be part of the Pentagon budget request that will be submitted to Congress in February.
The Defense One report about pushing back the A-10’s retirement drew praise from Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee.
“I welcome reports that the Air Force has decided to keep the A-10 aircraft flying through fiscal year 2017, ensuring our troops have the vital close air support they need for missions around the world. Today, the A-10 fleet is playing an indispensable role in the fight against ISIL in Iraq and assisting NATO’s efforts to deter Russian aggression in Eastern Europe,” McCain said in a statement.
“With growing global chaos and turmoil on the rise, we simply cannot afford to prematurely retire the best close air support weapon in our arsenal without fielding a proper replacement,” McCain’s statement said.
The Pentagon’s position on the A-10 had been that it needed the money and crews being used to keep the A-10s flying for the F-35 and other missions.
But unlike the multi-role F-35, the A-10 is the only airplane in the Air Force specifically designed for close air support, a mission that has become urgent in the fight against ISIS.
Able to circle over a target for long periods, the straight-winged Warthog is supremely maneuverable at low speeds and altitudes. So when ground troops find themselves in trouble — and too close to the enemy for fighter jets to drop bombs without risking friendly fire casualties — A-10 pilots can skim hillsides day and night, under any type of weather, and accurately and punishingly engage ground targets with its powerful 30 mm, seven-barrel Gatling gun, which fires depleted uranium bullets at 3,900 rounds per minute.
The A-10’s role in the fight against ISIS was highlighted in Operation Tidal Wave II in November, when A-10s combined with AC-130 gunships to destroy 116 ISIS fuel tanker trucks.
ISIS may have saved the A-10
ISIS pode ter salvo o A-10
January 22, 2016
22 de Janeiro de 2016
By Brad Lendon, CNN
ISIS seems determined to destroy much of what’s in its path as it tries to conquer more territory in Iraq, Syria and elsewhere, but it may have inadvertently saved a fleet of U.S. Air Force jets.
O ISIS parece determinado a destruir grande parte do que está em seu caminho à medida que ele tenta conquistar mais território no Iraque, na Síria e em outros lugares, mas ele pode ter salvo, inadvertidamente, uma frota de jatos da Força Aérea Americana.
Gen. David Goldfein, the Air Force’s vice chief of staff, tells Defense News the rise of the Islamic State and the U.S. air campaign to fight it has prompted the service to reconsider plans to retire the A-10 ground attack jets, which first joined the Air Force fleet in 1975.
O general David Goldfein, vice-chefe do Estado Maior da Força Aérea, informa que devido a ascensão do Estado Islâmico e a campanha aérea dos EUA para lutar contra ele, o departamento de Defesa está reconsiderando os planos de aposentar os jatos de ataque terrestres A-10, que se juntaram à frota da Força Aérea pela primeira vez em 1975.
The Air Force’s version of the F-35 will eventually replace the A-10 Thunderbolt, but those new jets are just coming online and are not battle tested like the A-10, which has seen combat in Iraq, Afghanistan and recently in Syria against ISIS — also known as ISIL.
A versão da Força Aérea do F-35 irá eventualmente substituir o A-10 Thunderbolt, mas esses novos jatos acabaram de chegar e não são testados em batalha como o A-10, que tem combatido no Iraque, Afeganistão e recentemente na Síria contra o ISIS – também conhecido como ISIL.
“When we made the decision on retiring the A-10, we made those decisions prior to ISIL, we were not in Iraq, we were coming out of Afghanistan to a large extent, we didn’t have a resurgent Russia,” Goldfein said in an interview on “Defense News with Vago Muradian,” scheduled for broadcast this weekend, according to the Defense News website. Goldfein’s office confirmed the general’s remarks to CNN.
“Quando tomamos a decisão de aposentar o A-10, fizemos essas decisões antes do ISIL, não estávamos no Iraque, estávamos saindo do Afeganistão, em grande porte, não tínhamos uma Rússia ressurgente”, disse Goldfein em uma entrevista com o tema “Informações sobre o Departamento de Defesa com Vago Muradian”, agendada para transmissão neste fim de semana, de acordo com o site das Notícias sobre o Departamento de Defesa. O escritório de Goldfein confirmou as observações do general à CNN.
The revelation came a week after a report was published on the Defense One website in which Pentagon officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said retirement of the A-10, nicknamed the “Warthog,” would not be part of the Pentagon budget request that will be submitted to Congress in February.
A revelação veio uma semana depois que um relatório foi publicado no website do Departamento de Defesa, em que os oficiais do Pentágono, falando sob condição de anonimato, disseram que a reforma do A-10, apelidado de “Warthog”, não faria parte do pedido de orçamento do Pentágono que será apresentado ao Congresso em fevereiro.
The Defense One report about pushing back the A-10’s retirement drew praise from Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee.
O relatório do Departamento de Defesa sobre retardar a aposentadoria do A-10 recebeu elogios do senador John McCain, R-Arizona, presidente do Comitê de Serviços Armados do Senado.
“I welcome reports that the Air Force has decided to keep the A-10 aircraft flying through fiscal year 2017, ensuring our troops have the vital close air support they need for missions around the world. Today, the A-10 fleet is playing an indispensable role in the fight against ISIL in Iraq and assisting NATO’s efforts to deter Russian aggression in Eastern Europe,” McCain said in a statement.
“Comemoro os relatos de que a Força Aérea decidiu manter a aeronave A-10 voando até o ano fiscal de 2017, garantindo que nossas tropas tenham o apoio aéreo próximo e vital que elas precisam para missões em todo o mundo. Hoje, a frota A-10 está desempenhando um papel indispensável na luta contra o ISIL no Iraque e ajudando os esforços da OTAN para deter a agressão russa na Europa Oriental “, disse McCain em um comunicado.
“With growing global chaos and turmoil on the rise, we simply cannot afford to prematurely retire the best close air support weapon in our arsenal without fielding a proper replacement,” McCain’s statement said.
“Com o crescente caos global e tumulto em ascensão, nós simplesmente não podemos nos dar ao luxo de aposentar prematuramente a melhor arma de apoio aéreo próximo em nosso arsenal sem pôr em campo uma substituição adequada”, declararou McCain.
The Pentagon’s position on the A-10 had been that it needed the money and crews being used to keep the A-10s flying for the F-35 and other missions.
A posição do Pentágono sobre o A-10 tinha sido que ele precisava do dinheiro e tripulações sendo usados para manter os A-10s voando para o programa F-35 e outras missões.
But unlike the multi-role F-35, the A-10 is the only airplane in the Air Force specifically designed for close air support, a mission that has become urgent in the fight against ISIS.
Mas ao contrário do multi-função F-35, o A-10 é o único avião da Força Aérea projetado especificamente para apoio aéreo próximo, uma missão que se tornou urgente na luta contra o ISIS.
Able to circle over a target for long periods, the straight-winged Warthog is supremely maneuverable at low speeds and altitudes. So when ground troops find themselves in trouble — and too close to the enemy for fighter jets to drop bombs without risking friendly fire casualties – A-10 pilots can skim hillsides day and night, under any type of weather, and accurately and punishingly engage ground targets with its powerful 30 mm, seven-barrel Gatling gun, which fires depleted uranium bullets at 3,900 rounds per minute.
Capaz de circular sobre um alvo por longos períodos, o Warthog asas estreitas tem extrema maneabilidade em baixas velocidades e altitudes. Então, quando as tropas terrestres se encontram em apuros – e muito perto do inimigo para que aviões de combate lancem bombas sem o risco de acidentes por fogo amigo – os pilotos do A-10 podem fazer vôos rasantes pelas encostas dia e noite, sob qualquer tipo de clima, e com precisão e arduamente engajar alvos terrestres com a sua poderosa arma de 30 mm, cano-sete Gatling, que dispara balas de urânio em 3.900 tiros por minuto.
The A-10’s role in the fight against ISIS was highlighted in Operation Tidal Wave II in November, when A-10s combined with AC-130 gunships to destroy 116 ISIS fuel tanker trucks.
O papel do A-10 na luta contra o ISIS foi destaque na Operação Tidal Wave II em novembro, quando o A-10 combinou-se com os helicópteros de ataque AC-130 para destruir 116 caminhões-tanque de combustível do ISIS.
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