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Global Climate in 2014 marked by extreme heat and flooding
Report Released for World Meteorological Day: Climate Knowledge for Climate Action
Record ocean heat, high land-surface temperatures and devastating flooding were some of the defining characteristics of the global climate in 2014, which was nominally the warmest year on record, although by a very small margin, according to a detailed analysis by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
The WMO Statement on the Status of the Global Climate in 2014 confirmed the continuation of the warming trend over the past few decades, with 14 of the 15 hottest years on record occurring this century.
The report gave details of national and regional temperatures and precipitation, tropical cyclones, sea level rise and sea ice extent. It included an analysis from the Met Office in the United Kingdom on the human influence on climate, which significantly increased the likelihood of the observed record-breaking temperatures in the United Kingdom in 2014.
The report was released to coincide with World Meteorological Day 23 March which promotes the theme “Climate Knowledge for Climate Action”. This title was chosen to highlight the progress in climate science and services like seasonal predictions, and to encourage the international community to move this year towards ambitious decisions and actions to address climate variability and change.
“We have sound climate knowledge to inform climate action and to keep climate change impacts to a manageable level. The cost of inaction is high and will become even higher.“ said WMO Secretary-General Michel Jarraud. “We must face our responsibilities to future generations and act to cut greenhouse gas emissions before we run out of time,” he said.
Source: https://www.wmo.int/media/content/global-climate-2014-marked-extreme-heat-and-flooding
Global Climate in 2014 marked by extreme heat and flooding
Clima Global, em 2014, marcado pelo calor e inundações extremas
Report Released for World Meteorological Day: Climate Knowledge for Climate Action
Divulgado Relatório para o Dia Meteorológico Mundial: Conhecimentos sobre Clima para a Ação Climática
Record ocean heat, high land-surface temperatures and devastating flooding were some of the defining characteristics of the global climate in 2014, which was nominally the warmest year on record, although by a very small margin, according to a detailed analysis by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
Recorde de calor no oceano, altas temperaturas de superfície de terra e inundações devastadoras foram algumas das características que definem o clima global em 2014, o qual foi nominalmente o ano mais quente já registrado, embora por uma margem muito pequena, de acordo com uma análise detalhada pela Organização Meteorológica Mundial (WMO).
The WMO Statement on the Status of the Global Climate in 2014 confirmed the continuation of the warming trend over the past few decades, with 14 of the 15 hottest years on record occurring this century.
A Declaração da OMM sobre o Estatuto do Clima Global em 2014, confirmou a continuação da tendência de aquecimento ao longo das últimas décadas, com 14 dos 15 anos mais quentes no registro de ocorrência deste século.
The report gave details of national and regional temperatures and precipitation, tropical cyclones, sea level rise and sea ice extent. It included an analysis from the Met Office in the United Kingdom on the human influence on climate, which significantly increased the likelihood of the observed record-breaking temperatures in the United Kingdom in 2014.
O relatório deu detalhes de temperaturas nacionais e regionais e precipitação, ciclones tropicais, elevação do nível do mar e extensão do gelo marinho. Ele incluiu uma análise do Departamento de Meteorologia do Reino Unido sobre a influência humana sobre o clima, que aumentou significativamente a probabilidade das temperaturas recordes observadas no Reino Unido em 2014.
The report was released to coincide with World Meteorological Day 23 March which promotes the theme “Climate Knowledge for Climate Action”. This title was chosen to highlight the progress in climate science and services like seasonal predictions, and to encourage the international community to move this year towards ambitious decisions and actions to address climate variability and change.
O relatório foi lançado para coincidir com o Dia Mundial da Meteorologia que é 23 de março, que promove o tema “Conhecimento do Clima para a Ação Climática”. Este tema foi escolhido para destacar o progresso da ciência e serviços como previsões sazonais do clima, e para incentivar a comunidade internacional a avançar este ano em relação a decisões ambiciosas e ações para lidar com a variabilidade e mudanças climáticas.
“We have sound climate knowledge to inform climate action and to keep climate change impacts to a manageable level. The cost of inaction is high and will become even higher.“ said WMO Secretary-General Michel Jarraud. “We must face our responsibilities to future generations and act to cut greenhouse gas emissions before we run out of time,” he said.
“Temos profundo conhecimento do clima para informar a ação climática e manter impactos das mudanças climáticas em um nível gerenciável. O custo da inação é elevado e se tornará ainda maior. “, disse o secretário-geral da OMM, Michel Jarraud. “Temos de enfrentar as nossas responsabilidades para com as gerações futuras e agir para reduzir as emissões de gases de efeito estufa antes que seja tarde demais”, disse ele.
Source: https://www.wmo.int/media/content/global-climate-2014-marked-extreme-heat-and-flooding
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Ena Smith
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