Oi pessoal,
Já está disponível a primeira aula do curso de Inglês para a AGU – Advogacia Geral da União. Segue abaixo um texto com vocabulário pertinente a este certame:
Corruption and asset tracking; international problems
Corruption is an old problem for society. However some of the ways in which the proceeds of corruption can be moved and hidden are very new.
It is only recently that the international community has begun to recognise the scale and complexities associated with tackling corruption and money laundering in modern society. There is a growing understanding of the difficulties faced by law enforcement agencies tracing stolen assets in today’s complex global financial system, and agreement on the need for a response which is co-ordinated at an international level.
In October last year the second meeting of the Arab Forum on Asset Recovery was held in Marrakesh. The Arab Forum is an example of increased international collaboration, and a willingness to accept responsibility to assist the people in the Arab Spring countries in the recovery of their stolen assets.
This Ukraine forum has been another substantial demonstration of international co-operation and determination to ensure that corruption does not go unpunished.
Fonte: https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/ukraine-forum-on-asset-recovery-closing-remarks
Corruption and asset tracking; international problems
Corrupção e controle de ativos ; problemas internacionais
Corruption is an old problem for society. However some of the ways in which the proceeds of corruption can be moved and hidden are very new.
A corrupção é um problema antigo para a sociedade. No entanto, algumas das maneiras em que os produtos da corrupção podem ser motivados e ocultos são bem novas.
It is only recently that the international community has begun to recognise the scale and complexities associated with tackling corruption and money laundering in modern society.
Só muito recentemente é que a comunidade internacional começou a reconhecer a escala e as complexidades associadas com o combate à corrupção e lavagem de dinheiro na sociedade moderna.
There is a growing understanding of the difficulties faced by law enforcement agencies tracing stolen assets in today’s complex global financial system, and agreement on the need for a response which is co-ordinated at an international level.
Há uma crescente compreensão das dificuldades enfrentadas pelas agências de aplicação da lei de rastreamento de ativos roubados no sistema financeiro global complexo de hoje , e um acordo sobre a necessidade de uma resposta que é coordenado a nível internacional .
In October last year the second meeting of the Arab Forum on Asset Recovery was held in Marrakesh. The Arab Forum is an example of increased international collaboration, and a willingness to accept responsibility to assist the people in the Arab Spring countries in the recovery of their stolen assets.
Em outubro do ano passado foi realizada, em Marrakesh, a segunda reunião do Fórum Árabe sobre Recuperação de Ativos. O Fórum árabe é um exemplo de uma maior colaboração internacional, e uma vontade de aceitar a responsabilidade de ajudar as pessoas nos países da Primavera Árabe na recuperação dos seus bens roubados.
This Ukraine forum has been another substantial demonstration of international co-operation and determination to ensure that corruption does not go unpunished.
Este fórum da Ucrânia foi mais uma demonstração substancial da cooperação e determinação internacional para assegurar que a corrupção não fique impune.
Fonte: https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/ukraine-forum-on-asset-recovery-closing-remarks
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