Categorias: Concursos Públicos

Eleiçoes Americanas e Impostos ( Times)


Antes de falar sobre o artigo, informo que foi lançado hoje aqui
no site um novo curso de Inglês: DATAPREV !! O edital foi publicado ontem e a
boa notícia é que são mais de 8.000 vagas !!! com um salário girando em torno
de R$ 5.000, 00 !!! Clique acima no ícone cursos e veja a aula demonstrativa
que está disponível a todos.

Bem, sei que estão naquele ritmo alucinado, principalmente quem vai
fazer Receita Federal, então hoje trago mais vocabulário dentro do contexto,
como assim deve ser estudado, estes trechos de um artigo do Times trazem
vocábulos direcionados para quem vai fazer Receita e Câmara (que agora tem mais
tempo para estudar).

      Obama sought to
elevate the tax debate as one of the defining issues of the campaign, saying
the outcome in the November election would determine the fate of the tax
cuts for higher income earners. The White House and Obama’s campaign
want to use the tax debate to portray congressional Republicans as
obstructionists and Romney as a defender of the wealthy who is willing to push
an acrosstheboard extension of the tax breaks
at the expense of those earning more modest incomes.

Outcome – resultado, desfecho

Income – rendimento

Across-the-board  extension –
prorrogação geral

Tax breaks –
redução de impostos

threatened to veto a full extension of the Bush
tax cuts, saying in an interview with WWL-TV in New Orleans on
Monday that a tax cut for the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans would
cost $1 trillion over the next decade at a time when the nation needs to reduce
the federal deficit.

Full extension of the Bush tax cuts = Prorrogação completa da redução
fiscal do governo Bush

Wealthiest = os mais ricos, mais abastados economicamente

Emphasizing the
consequences to families, Obama was meeting Tuesday with an Iowa couple that
the White House said would benefit from his tax plan. He was then
holding a campaign event at a Cedar Rapids
community college where he planned to make the case for
the extension for those earning $250,000 or less.

Tax plan = plano fiscal

Hold a campaign event = realizar um evento de campanha

Make the case = provar que tem razão

Obama was
making another visit to a battleground state with a more positive economic
outlook than other parts of the nation. Iowa’s strong farm economy has pushed
the state’s unemployment rate down to 5.1 percent, well below the
national average of 8.2 percent. Obama took a bus tour through parts of Ohio
and Pennsylvania last week — both states have more positive jobless rates than
the rest of the nation — and was campaigning in Virginia on Friday and
Saturday. Virginia’s unemployment rate is 5.5 percent.

Jobless rate =
unemployment rate = taxa de desemprego

Yet polls
in Iowa have shown Obama locked in a tight race with Romney for
the state’s six electoral votes, a potential warning sign after
Obama triumphed in Iowa’s leadoff caucuses in 2008 and then captured the state
in the general election.

Poll – pesquisa, enquete

Tight race – competição acirrada

Warning sign –
sinal de alerta

Many voters
have expressed wariness about Obama’s handling of the economy, his plans
to reduce the federal debt and his ability to cure Washington gridlock.
An NBC News/Marist poll in Iowa released in late May gave Romney a slight
edge (46 percent to 41 percent) on who would best handle the economy —
but when asked who would do a better job of reducing the national debt, voters
gave Romney a solid advantage over Obama (52 percent to 34


wariness – prudência, cautela

gridlock – paralisia, situação que não progride

Slight edge – ligeira vantagem

Solid advantage – vantagem considerável, importante

Esse texto falou sobre as eleições americanas que é o assunto principal
das manchetes aqui nos Estados Unidos, as news falam principalmente sobre o
tema dos impostos, portanto fiquem atentos e nesta reta final leiam artigos
sobre a disputa Obama x Romney no concernente a redução de impostos !!!!

Aproveitem então o texto e sucesso nos estudos,


Ena Smith

Ena Smith

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